Chapter 34

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━━━♡Due to the secret that was going around in Haewon's mind, she was stressed out. She was afraid she wouldn't be able to keep the secret to herself.

It's not like she isn't a good secret keeper, but because this time the situation was really serious it was making her tenser.

And she knew that her members would immediately be able to sense her weird behavior.

And to make sure that it doesn't happen, she chose to stay at the company till late at night so she doesn't have to deal with them.

She had already messaged Jiwoo to let her know that she would be running late. 

As soon as she got the message the Min girl kept some extra food in the fridge so that when the elder one comes back home she doesn't have to sleep with an empty stomach.

And right after she stored the extra food she moved to the sink to clean the dishes.

As she scrubbed the plates, Seojun stared at her from the couch in confusion.

The boy had noticed that Jiwoo has been trying to do all the work.

He could see that she was tired since she also went to the company to train and her shift...but she was still doing all the chores.

Jiwoo not only cooked food, but she cleaned the house, went on a run, and practiced dance on the roof a few hours back.

Usually, by this time, she would have drifted off to sleep from exhaustion but she was still focused on the chores.

Seojun got up from the couch and made his way toward her. He was happy since it was just the two in the apartment.

Haewon was busy training and Daejong went to a different city to shoot some footage with the staff for the video that would represent him in the group.

Seojun was excited about spending some alone time with the girl but she wasn't even acknowledging him.

He cleared his throat, to get her attention but she was lost in her own world.

“Hello? Jiwoo?” she didn't snap back until he called her name

“Yeah?” she asked

“You have washed all the dishes...” he said

The girl looked down, immediately closing the tap and keeping the sponge aside.

She didn't even realize when she was done with washing the plates.

As she was about to grab the broom and move on to another chore, Seojun grabbed her wrist.

“What are you doing?” he asked, sighing

“brooming” she said, stating the obvious

“Yeah, I can see that but you have already broomed the whole apartment will you please tell me what's going on?”

“What do you mean?”

He took a deep breath, pulling her a little closer.

“You only overwork yourself this much when something is going on in your mind”

Usually when the girl is stressed she dances for hours in the company, but today since she was at her apartment, she was overworking herself by doing the chores.

Jiwoo opened her mouth to deny but she got interrupted by the boy before she could even speak.

“Don't lie Jiwoo, I am sure something is going on. And I know you will keep working until you calm down, and the only way for you to calm down is to share your thoughts”

Jiwoo nodded, tucking her lips in a straight line.

“So tell me” he whispered. “What's going on?”

Rather than responding she reached for her phone that was in her pocket and opened the camera roll.

She showed the Han boy the pictures they had clicked when they went on a date.

A small smile formed on his lips as he stared at the phone screen.

“Look in the background, behind the tree”

His eyes fluttered towards where she mentioned and the smile on his face dropped.

He furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion as he shared a look with Jiwoo.

“Do you see that?” she pointed. “That shadow?”

He nodded, slowly getting confused and anxious.

That shadow was of a tall man, which came from behind the trees.

“Yeah, I do”

“That's the reason behind my stress.” she sighed. “I can't seem to figure out what's that shadow. We didn't see anyone there nor did we notice something unusual. I was scrolling through these pictures with Aera when she noticed this. And I have been tensed since then...she has been trying to convince me that it might be a ghost but I refuse to believe that”

Seojun listened to the girl ramble, with his eyes still glued to the phone screen.

He had a lot of thoughts in his head that he shrugged since he knew that for now, it was important for Jiwoo to be relaxed.

He forced a smile on his face, holding the girl closer to his chest.

“You are just overthinking” he whispered.

“But that Shadow-”

“Yeah, I know there is a shadow there but that doesn't mean that we will stress about it. It doesn't have to be a person or a spirit, it can be a shadow of literally anything!”

“You think?”

“Yeah! If someone else was there we would have heard the footsteps, but we didn't...that means it could be a shadow of maybe a rock or the buildings that were in front of us”

Seojun mentioned random things to calm the girl down. He was also stressed but it was more important for him for Jiwoo to be okay.

“Maybe you are right” she whispered, pulling back from the hug. “I am probably overthinking”

“Yeah!" He exclaimed. “And listen, tell Aera to watch fewer horror movies, she thinks there are ghosts everywhere”

Jiwoo chuckled, shaking her head.

Seeing her smile Seojun got relieved. He was happy to see that he could finally make her smile even if that meant that he would be the one anxious now.

 He was happy to see that he could finally make her smile even if that meant that he would be the one anxious now

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