Chapter 37

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|Mɪɴ ᴊɪᴡᴏᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡The way all of us were standing in a line in the CEO's cabin reminded me of the day when we were told that we were going to debut.

But that day we were extremely happy, but now it was the opposite. Daejong oppa and Haewon unnie were sobbing while I and Seojun were staring at each other in guilt.

“This is what I was scared of” The CEO whispered, shaking his head in disbelief. “You all have let me down”

I hated how Haewon unnie and Daejong oppa had to get lectured for what wasn't even their fault.

“Your pre-debut fans are going crazy, they aren't happy with all of this. They all were looking forward to your debut but...” he trailed off into silence while a lone tear escaped Seojun's eye

I wanted to hug him and have a conversation with him since we didn't even get to talk.

But I chose not to go near him as we were already in the middle of chaos

I widened my eyes in fear when I saw sir take out four files that Heekyung unnie once offered us. Those files were what a trainee needed to sign when they were about to get kicked out of the company.

Heekyung unnie offered those to me and Seojun a few months ago when we needed to choose between either staying in the company and debuting with each other or leaving.

Back then, it was our decision to make but now, it wasn't in our hands.

I immediately snapped my neck in Haewon unnie's direction. Not only did I steal her second chance at debuting but I also stole our friendship by hiding stuff from her.

“Sign this, pack your bags, and get out of my company” Sir yelled, his face red as ever

I gulped down my saliva nervously, taking a step forward.

All types of questions ran through my head while I made my way toward sir's table.

Would I even fall in love with Seojun if I knew this was going to happen?

Would I have accepted to debut with Seojun if I knew that one day I would break my member's heart?

Would I have suffered from anxiety and kept my feelings to myself so that we wouldn't have to go through this today?

I choked on my tears while picking up the pen from the table.

This is it...the end of my dreams.


The voice of Heekyung unnie startled me. She came running inside the cabin, toward us.

She didn't spear another second before snatching the pen from my hand.

“Sir this isn't the right thing to do” She whispered, tightening her grip on the blue pen

I looked at her confused, what is she doing? She could get in trouble for interfering...

“Heekyung, you need to stop favoring Jiwoo. She and Seojun did wrong and I want them out of my company”

“I am not favouring anyone. And sir, Haewon and Daejong aren't at fault here, why do they need to suffer? And if I am honest, I don't think it's Seojun or Jiwoo's fault either” unnie said in one breath, nervously. “It's not a crime to fall in love”

Sir got up from the chair, scoffing.

“Then what do you want me to do? Keep them in my company? Let them debut-”

“Yes” unnie interrupted him. “Yes, it would be great if they debuts”

The CEO cursed under his breath. He didn't want any interference in his decision but yet here he was arguing with unnie.

“Do you know how much the company would go through if I let them debut? Most of their fans are already hating on Jiwoo and Seojun. And the rest of them are pitying Haewon and Daejong. They wouldn't be able to succeed, no one would want to watch them in the same group. And do you have any idea how much loss will I go through?” he yelled, hoping for the staff to calm down and stop the argument but unnie was stubborn

She didn't let go of her point.

“Sir, you will go through loss both ways. But if we give them a chance to debut, there are chances that everything will be okay. Plus they aren't at fault here, this wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have spied on YOLO entertainment”

I didn't understand what Heekyung unnie meant by the last line but sir definitely understood it as he was fuming in anger.

“Watch your mouth Heekyung, there can be consequences”

Unnie took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a second.

“I am sorry if I am being rude sir. But all I am saying is that if we accept them, and show everyone that we don't mind this scandal, people wouldn't mind either.” she said, calmly compared to a few seconds ago “For the world, Seojun and Jiwoo are villains because they think that the rest of the members will suffer because of them. But what if we don't let any of them suffer? But what if we show the fans that everyone is happy? Then they wouldn't hate on them”

“So you are saying we should let these four debut?” sir scoffed. “No one would like that, it's risky!”

“Let's take this risk, sir. The people who are standing in front of you are one of the most talented trainees of this company and you know it. There is no point in kicking them out, please think about this sir... don't make this decision now”

Heekyung unnie was risking her job to protect me, to protect us.

I looked at Seojun while they all were in the middle of an argument.

He blinked, giving me a small smile to reassure that everything will be fine even though we both knew that there are chances it won't...

He blinked, giving me a small smile to reassure that everything will be fine even though we both knew that there are chances it won't

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Hey everyone, if there are any grammatical errors please avoid them as I didn't recheck.

And I know I don't usually update this quickly but since the last chapter I uploaded was extremely small, I thought it wasn't fair so I decided to upload this one:)

There is still a lot of stress but Heekyung is trying to save the you think she will succeed in doing so?

𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑌𝑜𝑢━𝐻𝑎𝑛 𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑗𝑢𝑛 𝐹𝐹 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now