Chapter 23

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|Tʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡Jiwoo nervously bit her lip, taking a glance at her members to see how they were doing. They all were standing in the cabin of the CEO of move entertainment.

Each one of them was equally nervous, they were called straight to his cabin. It would either be good news about their debut or they will either disband before even debuting.

The CEO turned around in his black chair with a couple of files in his hand. He looked up, locking his eyes with the trainees standing in front of him.

Jiwoo was trying really hard to examine his face so that she could tell either if it was bad news or good news when he finally spoke up...

“You guys are debuting”

They all gasped, widening their eyes and their mouth in shock. They froze like statues while looking at each other in disbelief.

The CEO got scared by how in sync they were with their reactions. He tilted his head to see if they were okay or if he broke them.

“Are you all okay-”


Jiwoo and Haewon held each other's hands and squeaked together, scaring the living hell out of him.

He looked up, trying to catch the soul that left his body after hearing them scream.

Jiwoo ignored him, she was way too happy to care about the person she just scared.

She immediately tugged onto the elder ones along with Seojun and pulled them in a group hug.

It was the best moment for all of them. Their hard work would finally pay off and they will debut!

Jiwoo looked at their faces and smiled, her dreams that were falling apart are now becoming true.

She couldn't express how happy
she was!

“Mhm” He cleared his throat, catching their attention

They all immediately pulled back from the hug and stood back in a line.

They were trying to stay professional but it was so hard for them to control their happiness.

“Congratulations” he said. “You will debut in 4 months”

|Tɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ|

Jiwoo and Seojun leaned against the metal rail, staring at the Han river flowing under the bridge.

Even though the two were avoiding each other a little because of their feelings, they still wanted to hang out since it was a big day for them.

“I can't believe all of this is happening" she said “Do you think I am ready to debut? I mean it's only been a few months since I joined the company”

“Jiwoo I know the training period matters the most but don't worry about are an amazing singer, an amazing dancer, an amazing maknae” he said, causing Jiwoo to Chuckle. “And you are beautiful, kind, pretty, caring... And I am sure people will love you just like I do-”

He cut himself off, realizing what he just said.

While he was trying to avoid eye contact to save himself from embarrassment, she was looking right at him for answers.

She grabbed his hand, catching his attention.

“Seojun” she whispered. “What is this feeling?”

Seojun was shocked by the sudden question, he didn't expect her to ask him anything no matter how weird or flustering the situation gets.

But Jiwoo didn't care, she knew she had to talk about it and she had to talk about it today!

Seojun stopped the train of his thoughts, focusing on the question she asked.

He also wanted to know about the feeling that has been keeping him awake at night...

“I don't know” he whispered. “But it makes me want to do stuff I am not allowed to do”

Both of them knew that there would be consequences to the conversation but for the first time, they were listening to their heart.

“Do it” she said, maintaining the eye contact

“Do what?”

“The stuff you aren't allowed to do”

Jiwoo from a week ago would have probably been mad at herself for talking about her feelings since she wanted to avoid it.

But she was glad that she wasn't that Jiwoo anymore.

He took a step forward and so did she. He snaked his hands around her waist and pulled her deeper into his chest.

He looked into her brown eyes before his gaze fluttered towards her lips which were covered in a thin layer of pink lip tint.

Seojun leaned his face closer to hers, leaving only an inch of difference between the two. They were so close that they could hear each other's heartbeats.

It was just the Han river and them...Seojun didn't want the moment to end so he captured her lips by his and they had their first kiss.

Just like he expected, the moment stopped. It started sprinkling as if they are in a kdrama, it suddenly got windier as if they are in a webtoon, and the moon started shining brighter as if it was all a part of a movie.

She deepened the kiss, wrapping her hands around his neck and standing on her toes.

He moved his hands towards her lower back, tightening his grip since he wanted to hold her in his arms forever.

Soon the two pulled back from the kiss for oxygen, but they still kept their eyes closed.

Because they knew that as soon as they would open them they would have to face the reality...

Because they knew that as soon as they would open them they would have to face the reality

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