Chapter 22

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|Tʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡Chorang stepped out of the teacher's room, rubbing his knees since the principal made him squat for 15 minutes.

As soon as he turned down the hall he ran into Jiwoo. He widened his eyes in fear, remembering everything Seojun said.

He knew he had to stay away from her if wanted to keep the secret to himself.

He gulped down his saliva nervously as she smiled at him.

"Hi Chorang"

"Hi Jiwoo. Bye Jiwoo" he said, trying to walk right past her but she stopped him

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" she asked

"I am fine. I am perfect. I am the best" he said, giving her a nervous smile

She blinked, tilting her head to the side and sighing.

She knew Seojun's friends were crazy but she didn't know that they were this weird.

"Anyways" she rolled her eyes "Do you know where Seojun is?"

"Seojun? I don't know any Seojun"


Chorang suddenly ran up the stairs, to the terrace since he wanted to stay away from her. He is really bad at keeping secrets and he didn't want to risk it.

Even if that meant hiding on the terrace until school ended.

|Mɪɴ ᴊɪᴡᴏᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ|


His friends are so weird" I chuckled as I told Aera about the incident from this morning.

She giggled, arranging the donuts on the bottom shelf.

"He literally just ran away" I shook my head. "But I did find Seojun later, and I told him about what happened. He was acting pretty weird too, but I didn't think too much about it. What do you think is going on?"

Aera shook her head. She dusted her hands on her apron and got up from the floor.

"What's going on Jiwoo?" Aera asked

"I don't know, I am asking you" I chuckled

"I am not talking about that" she sighed


"Ever Since our shift started all you have done is talk about Seojun and his usually avoid bringing him up in conversations" She stepped forward, grabbing my shoulders "I may not much about love but I know when a person is lovesick-"

"Come on Aera, you got all of this just because I said a few words about Seojun" I shrugged off my shoulders, trying to think of a lie to dodge from this conversation "And love is a big word, you know we aren't even friends -"

"Yes you are friends " she interrupted me. "Probably more than friends so don't lie to me" She sighed. "You don't want to accept it in front of me, fine... don't! But at least accept your feelings yourself. I don't know what you are scared of Jiwoo. I am sure you are not scared of rejection then what is it? Just tell him how you feel"

How do I tell her that I am scared for my future...what if I won't debut?

What if my love for Seojun comes in between my dream?

"Stop overthinking" Aera said as if she read my mind. "For once just stop thinking, just say what's on your you like him? You don't have to hide it anymore. Come on Jiwoo, tell me, do you love him?"

"I do" I said, taking a deep breath. My hands automatically gripped themselves on my brown apron since emotions came flowing to me. I closed my eyes, leaning against the counter and tucking my lips in a straight line. "I love him. I love Han Seojun"

 I love Han Seojun"

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Hey everyone!!

I am finally back:)

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