Chapter 30

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|Tʜɪʀᴅ Pᴇʀsᴏɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡Jiwoo turned off the TV and got up from the floor. Since it was her turn to wash the dishes today she stacked them on top of each other and took them to the kitchen.

“If the staff finds out I am eating all of this, they will kill me” Haewon said from the sofa, shaking her head

“If they ask you anything blame it on me” Daejong winked. “Tell them you couldn't resist my awesome cooking”

“Haha very funny” she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes

Seojun chuckled, grabbing a few empty glasses from the table and taking them to the kitchen.

He kept them in the sink and made sure that Haewon and Daejong are busy having a conversation and they wouldn't hear what he is about to say to Jiwoo.

“I want to take you somewhere in a few hours, to a place that's very close to my heart” he whispered in her ears as she rubbed the sponge against the dirty plate

She looked at him before looking over her shoulders, taking a glimpse of the elder ones.

“Okay...but what will we tell them?”

“Nothing, let's just wait for them to fall asleep and by the way” he leaned closer, causing Jiwoo to widen her eyes in fear since they were technically in the same room as the other two “The place that I am taking you to is obviously a secret but I have a surprise for you, you just need to wait a little for that ”

Before responding to him, she pushed him away from her so that they don't get caught.

Seojun chuckled at her actions, shaking his head.

“Well, I am looking forward to the surprise and maintain your distance, I know it's hard since it's me” she flipped her hair “but stay away from me when we are in the dorm”

Seojun playfully rolled his eyes, smirking and tilting his head. “I will try”

|Tɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ|

Two hours had passed by, Seojun and Jiwoo were waiting for the two elder ones to fall asleep.

But they weren't sleepy at fact, they were playing monopoly.

“I win!” Haewon exclaimed, clapping her hands

“Yeah...the game is over, let's go to bed now?” Jiwoo asked so that she could sneak out with Seojun once they are asleep

“What's the hurry?” Daejong said “Let's play another round”

“We can't” Seojun denied. “I and Jiwoo have to leave”

Jiwoo turned her head in Seojun's direction since she had no idea about what he was talking about.

“What? Where?”  Daejong asked in confusion

“Uhm...” Seojun hesitated, rubbing the back of his nape. “H-heekyung noona messaged Jiwoo and she said that Jiwoo has to go to the company and do some important work”

“Really? What work Jiwoo?”

“I don't know... Heekyung unnie didn't mention” Jiwoo whispered, playing along with the lie. “She just asked me to come to the company as fast as I can

“Well it must be important, you guys should leave”

“Yeah hyung. Since it's getting late I will go with Jiwoo” Seojun said, getting up from the sofa

“Oh okay...see you later”


Jiwoo grabbed her phone and handbag from the kitchen counter and they immediately rushed out of the dorm.

“Why did you lie?” Jiwoo asked after closing the door behind her back

“I didn't have a choice...”

“But anyways, where are we going?”

“You have to see that for yourself but your surprise that I told you about earlier is waiting for you right outside the building”

Jiwoo smiled, grabbing Seojun's hand and sprinting down the stairs in excitement. She ran down the hall once she reached the ground floor and exited the building.

Her eyes sparkled with joy when she the lovely surprise that Seojun was talking about.

She looked at him with a smile, not able to express the emotions that she was feeling.

“This is so cute...” she whispered, interlocking her arm with Seojun and resting her head on his shoulder

A/nI didn't proofread so ignore if there are any spelling errors and what do you guys think the 'suprise' is?

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I didn't proofread so ignore if there are any spelling errors and what do you guys think the 'suprise' is?

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