Chapter 27

501 26 3

|Mɪɴ ᴊɪᴡᴏᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡I exited Heekyung unnie's cabin and walked toward the washroom. I entered one of the stalls and locked the door behind me.

We had just finished recording the demo version of our debut song.

Currently, it was all very chaotic since we haven't decided on the line distribution yet. But this is what happens when you are recording a song.

I didn't have much knowledge about it but since Haewon unnie has recorded a demo song before, she explained everything to me.

We would be given lines based on if it suits us or not. It's more complicated for the rest of the members since they all are vocalists but with me, it's sorted since I will probably get the rap parts.

I sighed, I am excited but also nervous. I feel like everything in my life right now is happening way too fast.

Every day something new happens and even though it's been 2 weeks it feels like it was yesterday Seojun and I confessed our feelings for each other.

These last few days have been stressful for both of us. We are working on our debut while trying to hide our relationship from our members.

I would have probably died from overthinking if Seojun wouldn't have been by my side.

The train of my thoughts stopped when the door of the washroom opened.

I got a glimpse of 2 pairs of feet from under the stall as they made their way toward the sink.

'Probably the trainees'

"Do you know about the rumor?" I heard one of them say.

"No, what rumor?" the other trainee asked in confusion

"Two trainees got kicked out of YOLO entertainment for dating. They had been in a relationship ever since they entered the company and they were about to debut too but the staff caught them making out"

"Poor them, their career got over before even starting"

"Don't feel bad for them" she scoffed. "They were way too selfish for doing that...not only they ruined their lives but also the other members. All of their hard work went down the drain because of just two people"

I couldn't hear anything else since they turned on the faucet. But everything they said till now was enough to make my anxiety rise.

I clenched my hand into a fist as my nails dug into my palm.

A shaky breath escaped my lips as I thought about how scary and devasting the next few days, weeks, months, or even years of my life could be.

What if I and Seojun will get kicked out as those idols did?

What if we would be blamed for not only ruining
our careers but the other members too?

I love our group, I love the time I spend with them, but there is a person in that group who I love the most...and that's Han Seojun.

And I can't, in fact, I don't want to choose between him or either Daejong Oppa and Haewon unnie who are like my elder siblings.

I fear that whenever the truth comes out I won't be able to explain myself.

But I can't let that fear overpower my love for Seojun...

But I can't let that fear overpower my love for Seojun

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Hey everyone, I finally updated...I have been under a lot of stress because of school that's why I couldn't update but now I am back.

This is a small chapter mostly focused on Jiwoo's anxiety and how she wants to overcome her fears.

I am trying to make it realistic since I feel like anyone would be anxious if they were in her place.

Writing this chapter made me a little sad. Jiwoo has gone through a lot and she deserves a peaceful life.

Should I just make her and Seojun run away to a different country? Far away from the drama?

Nah. I won't do that...

maybe I will 😉

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