Chapter 15

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|Hᴀɴ sᴇᴏᴊᴜɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡I rolled my eyes as I watched my friends bickering with each other over some clothes.

They all wanted to hang out and as soon as school ended they made me come with them to shop stuff forcefully.

"Come on guys, shop quickly" I groaned

They all ignored me and didn't even respond, causing me to click my tongue and stomp on my foot.

I huffed before walking away, looking at other shops in the meantime.

My eyes fell on a beautiful bracelet that was hanging in a jewelry shop.

It was very elegant and pretty.

As soon as I saw it, it reminded me of Jiwoo.

I took it in my hand and smiled

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I took it in my hand and smiled.

"She will love it" I whispered to myself

"Who will love it?" Chorang asked, startling me

"Oh my gosh, you scared me!"

"Who are you buying this for?" he repeated

I can't tell him I buying this for Jiwoo since he still doesn't know that we are groupmates.

This news is confidential and I can't leak it. For the whole school, I and Jiwoo are still enemies.

"I-I am buying this for Gowoon..." I said, trailing off into silence

He nodded, satisfied with my answer.

After a while, when the shopping was done they all left but I didn't since I also wanted to buy something for Gowoon.

Her birthday is in a month and she demanded that I give her one gift every day until her birthday.

I already bought a hoodie with the guys but also decided to buy some makeup.

I can't believe I agreed to Gowoon's deal.

I sighed and shrugged off my shoulders.

I entered a makeup store. I walked into the lipstick lane, totally confused.

I picked a dark red shade and examined it when my eyes fell on 2 girls who were standing Infront of me.


She turned around.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" she asked

"It's Gowoon's birthday next month. I am here to buy a few gifts for her"

"Ohh" she nodded.

I shifted my attention towards the girl beside her, it was Aera.

"Hello" she made a slight bow


*Aera's phone rang*

"Jiwoo, mom is calling me. Give me a second" Aera said


She left the makeup store, leaving us alone.

"Do you want to buy Gowoon lipsticks?" She asked and I nodded

"Yes...but I don't know which one to buy"

She chuckled.

"How bout this one?" she said

She picked up a light pink lip tint.

"It's pretty" I whispered

"Come on, let me try it on you"

She stepped forward and I stepped backward.

"On me? Why?" I asked with wide eyes

"Because you and Gowoon have the same skin tone. If this looks good on you then we will buy don't be overdramatic"

She grabbed my forearm and pulled me closer. She stood on her toes and leaned in my chest while applying the tint on my lips. My eyes fluttered towards every expression and detail on her face, the way her eyebrow twitched, the way she pouted when she accidentally smudged it a little, or the way she smiled.

"I like it" she whispered

I gulped down my saliva nervously and nodded.

"Let's" I cleared my throat "Buy it then"

She hopped towards the counter while I touched my cheeks...they were burning up!

What is wrong with me!

|Mɪɴ ᴊɪᴡᴏᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

We 3 entered the elevator and stood side-by-side.

Aera and I were planning to go shopping for a long time. Today, we were free so we decided to buy some make-up so that I could teach her how to do it properly.


The elevator opened on the 2nd floor. A group of chubby men entered, cornering me and Seojun in one corner of the lift while Aera went flying to the other side.

I peeked over Seojun's shoulders, who were towering over me to check if Aera is alright.

Her whole body was pressed against the wall with her eyes slightly shut.

I looked back at Seojun.

He was staring at me causing my lips to curl up in a small smirk.

"I know I am pretty, stop staring" I whispered

A muffled scoff escaped his lips as he pushed me deeper into the metal walls.

"I can't help myself when you are this close to me"

My lips parted in shock as the smirk on his face grew bigger.


The group of boys said, snapping me back to reality.

"It says it's overweight" 

They tried holding their stomach in but when that didn't work they groaned and left the elevator.

Seojun stepped away and I released the breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

I tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ears and shifted my attention to Aera.

"Aera are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah I am fine" she smirked

Why is she smirking?

Hey everyone, I am finally back!!

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Hey everyone, I am finally back!!

I hope you liked this chapter...and why was Aera smirking?🤔



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