Chapter 31

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|Tʜɪʀᴅ Pᴇʀsᴏɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ|

━━━♡All the memories came rushing to Jiwoo after she saw the surprise that was waiting for her outside the building.

The surprise was two bicycles, but they weren't any normal ones... they were the exact same ones she and Seojun used to have a few years ago when they hated each other.

Before Seojun had a bike, he used to own a bicycle and so did Jiwoo. They both used to race in it all the time, and Jiwoo being the competitive one always made sure that she would win.

She hopped towards it as Seojun followed her with a smile.

“Where did you find these? I sold mine before moving away and so did you to pay for your bike” she asked while tracing her initials that were engraved on the Handel bar

“I had to make some calls and Chorang helped me”

“Seojun!” she exclaimed in awe, “I love this!”

“I knew you would” he put his hands in his pocket, moving towards the yellow-colored bike that was next to the red one “I still can't believe that you spray painted my bike yellow after we fought”

Jiwoo chuckled, shaking her head “So? I had to take revenge. You gave me a spoiler of the comic that I waited for soooo long to release” she said, stretching her words

After the 16-year-old Seojun gave a spoiler to Jiwoo, she got so mad that she spray-painted his bicycle in the color he hated the most.

She still remembers the look on his face when he first saw it. He screamed so loudly that the whole neighborhood woke up!

Besides the scolding she got from her parents, it was very funny.

“We were so childish” Seojun whispered, thinking about the memories from his childhood

“We were” she snickered “Oh! By the way, do you want to race like old times to the place you are taking me to?”

“I would love to, but we can't race to that place since you don't know where it, just hop on and follow my lead” he said, grabbing her hand and making her sit on the red bicycle

“Fine, but we will race our way back home”

“Okay” he chuckled, sitting on his own bicycle

|Tɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ|

“How long do we have to walk for?” Jiwoo asked, breathing heavily

Jiwoo was very confused after they reached their location since it was just giant mountains with trees and plants everywhere.

Once they reached there, they decided to walk as riding bicycles up the slope could be dangerous.

“We are almost there...yup!” he exclaimed. “Here we are”

Jiwoo looked up from the ground, her mouth widening because of the view in front of her.

There was a metal railing where the slope ended with a view of the whole city on the other side.

She looked at Seojun before looking back at the pretty view...

Her tiredness disappeared into thin air as her eyes sparkled just like those building lights.

She wrapped her hand around Seojun's arm as the smile on her face grew bigger.

“How do you know about this place? It's so pretty!”

“I have been coming here ever since I was young. Me and my family used to have picnics here. Back in my childhood, I used to come here almost every single day. Currently, I am not able to do so since everything is so stressful plus I don't have the time either. But for some reason, I felt like coming here today. Even if I don't come here more often, this is my comfort place”

Jiwoo smiled softly, nodding.

“Well it's really pretty and calming...but how did you suddenly decide to take me here?”

“You shared your comfort place, Han River with me and you told me everything about the memories that you spent there, with your dad... it's not easy opening up, but you still did. And I realized that I haven't opened up to you. So I wanted you to come here with me, so I could relive my childhood with you”

Jiwoo just looked at him in awe, she didn't know what to say. She loves him...and every small gestures of his, makes her fall deeper in love with him.

“What?” he asked, chuckling when he noticed the Min girl staring at him

“Nothing” she shook her head, wrapping her hands around Seojun. “It's just...I love you”

Seojun closed his eyes and whispered “I love you too”

A/nA cute chapter for Seojun and Jiwoo's cute date😚❤️

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A cute chapter for Seojun and Jiwoo's cute date😚❤️

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