Chapter 3

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Lisa entered her apartment door with a daze expression. Her whole body hurts so much that all she wants to do is sleep it off but the moment she open the door- she was meet with a worried Rośe who glares angrily at her.

Lisa gulp in fear. Damn! I forgot to tell-- Wait! How would I tell her that I'm leaving if I was dragged into doing it! Besides my phone was with her!

Awkwardly putting a smile on her face, Lisa raised her right hand in a wave- "Uhh.. H-Hi?"

Maybe that was the wrong approach because Lisa saw a flying pillow going on her direction. Damn- here goes the trouble.


"Don't you know how worried I was?! You suddenly disappeared, Lalisa! I was this close to calling the cops to search for you!" The purple-haired threw another pillow on her direction that made Lisa groans in pain.

Sure the pillows were soft but the impact is too big! Her body is sore!

Lisa tiredly sighs- her head hurts again so she massage it with her fingers. "I'm sorry, Okay? I didn't mean to disappear, and my phone was with you so I don't have any means of contacting you."

The purple-haired woman frown- she carefully looks at her friend, Lisa looks like she just came back from a cat fight with how goodly tousled her hair was. If you look closely, you'll see her lips were also swollen- as Chaeyoung continued on surverying her blondie friend, her eyes comically widened.


Surprised, the blonde flinch- she felt like her heart dropped because of the way her friend suddenly screams at her.

Lisa held her aching chest, after a few minutes of her praying to all the powerful being known to earth to give her enough patience to deal with her bestfriend- Lisa opened her eyes and glared at Chaeyoung.

"What! Why are you suddenly screaming!? You scared me!" Her complains were left unheard though.

Chaeyoung still has wide eyes while looking at her- few minute of staring from the purple-haired woman made Lisa uncomfortable.

"What? Stop looking at me dude! You're getting weirder!" The blonde felt her head thumping in pain yet again.

She closed her eyes, forgetting her friend's presence for a moment before hearing Chaeyoung scream at the top of her lungs.

Once again, Lisa flinch in surprise- she groans in pain, instinctively blocking the loud voice from her friend. When Chaeyoung stopped, Lisa abruptly stand, glaring death to her friend.

"Yo-You stupid! My head hurts so can you not?! You're destroying my eardrums, Chae!" She loudly scream at her friend who look at her neck dumbfounded.

Lisa was meet with silence- Chae move closer to Lisa, the blonde was scared and quickly move away from the purple haired. "What do you want?!"

"Stay still, Lalisa!"

"Don't chase me then!-- Stop!"

"Fine! Just tell me what's up with that fucking hickey on your neck! Did you fuck last night, Lisa-ah?!"

Lisa stiffened, she froze on her feet and dumbly reach the spot that were blazing with her friend's gaze. "W-What?" Anxiety were visible with her tone.

Chaeyoung then reached her, "Don't what me, Lalisa, What's that and who gave you that?" Her hand went to Lisa's neck, removing her hand away to see the mark closer.

It's so dark and looks really painful- Chaeyoung grimace at the sight of it.

A couple of beats passed before Lisa regain her wits back- she took a shallow breath before moving away from the blonde. Turning her back and going back to the sofa to sit- 'cause any moment from there she feels like falling.

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