Chapter 29

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(A/n: a chapter dedicated to Anaablink for her continuous support. Thank You!!!)


Before leaving, Lisa asked the raven actress to give her a few minutes to inform her friend.

Chaeyoung was the person who dragged her into YG. The blonde woman suddenly has an appointment with some director and since they were together when the director called, the blonde thought it would be nice to bring Lisa along.

Now here she is, surrounded by younger girls who want to talk to her because Chaeyoung left her behind to talk to the director and she's waiting for her(C)

She feels bad 'cause Jennie's waiting for her and she promised she'll be there several minutes ago but Lisa also miss her bestfriend and Chaeyoung said it's a rare opportunity that YG asked her to work with them and wants Lisa to come with her. (The blonde meant it as: she wants Lisa to support her in case something might happen)

Since the blonde singer is still talking to the director, Lisa figured sending a message to her will suffice.


Chipmunk Chae

5:32| Hey, wait for me, Okay? Miss Kim Jisoo asked if we could talk so I'll talk to her for a few moments. We can leave together but if you're in a hurry you can leave first, I'll go to Jennie's house after. Call me!


After that, Lisa followed Jisoo obediently, the raven-haired actress doesn't talk to her that much but Lisa can feel Jisoo's nerves and anxiety radiating off her body.

She wants to ask why does the raven feel so anxious but refrain herself from it.

If Jisoo Kim doesn't want to talk about it, Lisa will respect her. They turn into another hallway when Jisoo finally stopped in front of a door and opened it carefully.

Lisa look for any sign that might tell her what the room as for. She could tell from the way it's isolated that it's for a special person.

Maybe Jisoo Unnie's own office?

She dismissed that thought after a moment and follow the raven actress inside the room.

"What do you want to talk about, Unnie?" Lisa asked, she's not feeling so shy around Jisoo anymore. In fact, she feels like Jisoo and her will get along.

The reason being is still a mystery to her- it's barely their 3rd time? 2nd? meeting each other, to think that Lisa will feel this at ease even after panicking for a few moments is surprising.

It's not that Lisa don't get along with strangers, contrary she's quiet good at befriending people, but still, Jisoo Kim is Jisoo Kim. Their status is way too big of a gap- maybe it has something to do with Jisoo being Jennie's cousin?

Lisa quietly asked herself. She turned to look at the raven, waiting for Jisoo's answer. The raven actress looks really anxious, it's even more obvious now that they're alone and the raven-haired keeps on glancing at her wrist watch as if checking the time.

Worried, Lisa approached the raven cautiously. "Jisoo-Unnie?"

As if her voice snapped the raven out of her reverie. Jisoo flinched and looks at her with surprised eyes. "Ah." Jisoo muttered in shock then she realized how Lisa's with her and forced herself to calm down.

"I'm sorry, I was just out of it." Breathing to calm herself, Jisoo gave the raven a pitied look and Lisa was confused 'cause of it.

"What's wrong? Why do you look at me like that?" Jisoo bit on her bottom lips, looking at her wrist watch it seems like Jennie's stuck on a traffic. She figured telling Lisa and giving her a warning will somehow prepare the blonde woman.

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