Chapter 19

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It's annoying, Jennie thought while staring at the sleeping form of the blonde in her hotel bed.

It's certainly annoying...

Jennie bit into her lower lips, finding it so damn annoying and frustrating how Lisa sleep so good, sleep so tight in her bed while Jennie is in a turmoil.

Emotions that she can hardly recognize swirling inside her, messing her thoughts and thinking process.

She can hardly think straight-- well, she's not even straight- but that's not the point. Jennie's head was wrapped in different lights-- dark shadow looms over her that she couldn't find the logic in it.

Lisa serves as a sacrifice, she's offered to her so nicely, so delicious that Jennie could not find it in herself to even think of something that doesn't sound so... brutal.

The dark haired climbs over the bed, before she could even stop herself she's already hovering over Lisa's lean body. Thoughts that shouldn't even considered clouds her mind and she's having a hard time dealing with it.

"Lisa-ahhh~" Jennie calls, she's in a trance where Lisa is all she could see.

Lisa's prominent button nose,
Lisa's dark define eyebrows,
Lisa's doe-shaped eyes,
Lisa's alluring strawberry scent, Lisa's luscious red lips,
Lisa's sharp jaw,
Lisa's milky white skin-

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa...

Her mind was filled with the thoughts of the blonde- she can't stop hearing it, can't stop feeling her, can't stop-- Jennie can't stop.

And that leads her into her demise- Jennie has fallen hook, line and sinker over the blonde. Lisa has already ruin her for the others-- she can't even remember a day where Lisa didn't occupy her thought; those days where she didn't knew the blonde existed seems like a lifetime away.

Jennie already forgot those time where she didn't knew Lisa,


Jennie calls, deep and husky tone lacing her voice. It sounded way too groggy with the thick desire that pools her entire being. She dip forward, picking up and chasing that alluring scent of strawberry that seems to multiplied in the blonde's neck area, especially the spot where her shoulder meet her neck.

Jennie nuzzles her nose into that dungeon of strawberry found in the curve where shoulders and neck meet. "Babyyy~" she calls on further, now nibbling the white milky skin that seems to taste as sweet as the flavor of strawberry.

Lisa groans, finally showing a reaction. "Mhhmm?"

She lazily opened her eyes, the room was dim with red lights illuminating around, feline brown eyes shine through the room.

"Huh? Nini?" Still disoriented and still half asleep, Lisa felt the whole consequence of partying all night and not thinking twice before consuming any alcohol. Her head throbs and drums inside her head. She groans as soon as it hits her, hand going straight to the part where it hurts the most.

"That bad?" Jennie sobered up... a little, seeing the blonde in pain, she picked the glass of water intended for the blonde. "Here drink this," Lisa groggily accepts it, drinking tab of advil with the water.

Jennie didn't stop her ministrations even after the blonde were drinking. She had her lips permanently attached to Lisa's skin, Lisa's shoulder in specific.

"What d'you doin', Jen?" Even with her pounding state, Lisa can feel the on growing lust radiating off the brunette, it's that potent.

"Mhhmm?" Jennie humms, trailing towards the blonde's jaw, Lisa felt every damp of soft lips on her body, it lights her skin up, hot and scorching.

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