Chapter 34

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Jennie flies back to South Korea, heading straight to her father's company as soon as she landed.

Her head was pounding due to no rest and excessive worrying. Her way to the huge Main Building of Kim's Group of Companies and Corporation wasn't exactly calming you know.

She's been trying to call her dear father for the past hours but it seems like her dad was being blackmailed by her mom.

The matriarch Kim was the true head of the family after all. Her dad was nothing but a loving husband- he'll give anything her wife wants and Jennie wants to beat her dad for that.

She called her mom once, but the older Kim rejected her call. A sign enough for Jennie to know that her mother wasn't joking and that she wants Jennie to meet her.

It seems like her wife is really held captive by her mother in their clan island.

Jennie grits her teeth just at the thought of it. How dare her parents kidnapped her wife?!

She's mad, frustrated, and annoyed. To herself, to her parents- but most likely to herself.

How can she let it happen!?

Jennie cursed at the top of her head the moment she saw the lining car in the road- Seoul's
traffic is an everyday nightmare but to Jennie, it's a fucking curse.

Her fingers impatiently tapped on the steering wheel- eyes going mad from looking left and right to see any chance of slipping and taking advantage forward but to her disappointment, Jennie was left stuck in the middle of the road, now isn't that fun?

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Shit!

Jennie cursed, wanting nothing but to get to her wife, see Lisa, get to her Lisa- but this traffic is hindering her plans! Fuck it!

5 minutes passed and nothing changes- she was on the bridge of crying from frustration but she held it in and breathed in calmly.

How can I get to my wife fast? Should I contact Chahee? No that'll raise too many questions... Should I call Jisoo Unnie?... Maybe..

Jennie anxiously tapped on her steering wheel. No... I can't tell Unnie... not yet anyways..,

Deciding that she can't tell anyone at the moment, Jennie settled by doing what she can, relying on herself is her best option and she plans to do just that. Turning her phone on, Jennie called a certain number- a mobile number who she knew always got her back no matter what the circumstances may be. 

Calling My twin bro Taehyungie

It took her twin brother a few more rings before he finally answered her call. Taehyung greets her with a cheerful tone and a pleasant smile. "I wonder what does my little sister wants that she has called for her older brother?" The teasing tone that the older Kim used makes Jennie frown. 

"I did not call you to tease me, Tae. Besides, why are you older? You just went out from Eomma's tummy 3 seconds earlier that doesn't make you older so who are you calling little?."

"Of course it does. I went out first which means I'm older. And don't deny the fact that you're a little bean Ruby Jane. I bet you still haven't grown compared to the last time we saw each other which by the way is 3 months and so ago already. My own sister is such a heartless girl you can't even contact your Oppa." Tahyung's dramatics made Jennie internally growl while rolling her eyes. The cars up front moved so she also stepped on the gas pedal to forward along stopping briefly which made the matter worse. 

She shouldn't argue with her brother when she's short on time. "Listen Tae, I don't have time to explain everything but I really need your help right now. I'm currently stucked in the intersection between the main road and Dad's main company Building and I need to meet him-- like right now." 

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