Living Marble

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"Gaddamit. Another shipping?"

"Shut it Theseus."

"Quite an annoying child, we're gonna get caught."

"The three of you, shut the fuck up."


"Alright. That's all you have to do, and of course don't mess with anything in the museum."

"I won't."

"Okay. Good luck, see you tomorrow Sam." Sam waves at his manager and takes a sip of his coffee. He glances at the monitors and sighs, putting down the mug of coffee and wears the mask. "Another night." Sam is a night guard in the museum, he likes his job as it is quite peaceful but also kind of scary as he is alone, so there's always that young kid named Ranboo looking at the cameras and talking to him by the radio, but today he has some college work to catch up. So Sam is alone tonight.

Sam looks at the time to see it's 11 p.m. and thought of going to check out the new arrived statues on the new area. They were made of marble and was carefully carved by the maker. He's kinda excited to see these Marble statues as Marble is quite hard to carve with. Turning on his flashlight, he flashed it on the first statue he sees.

The statue look like a young teen, proudly smiling and raising his sword like he won a war, and the statue was almost the same height as Sam. Quite an odd choice of outfit, a simple shirt that would belong in the modern world, shorts that reached his knees and he wears leather sandals. "Thomas Kraken Innit." Sam read the plate. "Weird."

-Thomas "Tommy" Kraken Innit-
-The Wandering Life-

If Sam remembered correctly, the boy cannot seem to find what he is looking for in his life, causing others to feel hurt and distant themselves away from the teen as they took the thought of the boy just using them to gain on what he needs.

Sam backs up and looks at the second statue. This one just looks smug and mischievous, the maker have done quite an excellent job with the expression on the man's face.

-Wilbur Gold Soot-
-The Unfinished Symphony-

Wilbur was a prince who went on his way to create a country with his young brother, to rule that country with him. Unfortunately, another have stepped in their lands and have taken the crown from Wilbur, exiling them immediately on the festival. Wilbur spent time underground with a few people, and blew up the country to nothing but a crater.

Sam flashes his light on the Prince's face and check out the outfit before moving to another. This man looks a little older than the others, somewhere in his 30s, and holds a gentle smile on his face.

-Philza Minecraft-
-The Angel of Death-

Minecraft is a game in Sam's modern world, so it was quite odd how someone ancient have the name first.

Philza is a man who have lived for many years, some have titled him immortal, but have died to the poisons of a spider, big as a human, and an undead child. Philza have created structures alone, flying above oceans and some say he have drained about a country sized of the ocean to reveal Atlantis. Some books say that the Angel is the husband of the Goddess of Death, but they are never sure if it's true or not.

Sam moves to the last one and looks at the plate.

-The Blood God-

Technoblade, also known as the Emperor of the Antarctic. He was a friend of the Angel of Death, ruling the empire beside him. But other than that, he was... An anarchist. Oddly fashionable for an anarchist. Technoblade was known to win in the Arena, one who have climbed the ranks quickly and may had a potato war with someone named Squid. Nobody really believes that part of history and they just brush it off of the author being bored and joke about it. But no one knows how he really disappeared one day.

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