028. let me go!

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chapter twenty eightLET ME GO!

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chapter twenty eight

When Athena was eight she broke her arm

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When Athena was eight she broke her arm. She was chasing after Rafe in a game of tag and had fallen down the stairs, landing on her arm funny. Rafe had laughed, as one would do when someone falls down the stairs, but as soon as he saw the pain filled expression on Athena's face as she cradled her arm, he ran to where she was. The first tear that rolled down Athena's face Rafe quickly wiped away, reassuring her she was okay before the whole flood came, the girl in same amount of pain as she was when she broke her ankle the year before.

Rafe had called Ward to help her, the boy not being able to do much at eleven years old. Their father ushered the girl into the car, trying to get the sobbing child to the hospital but she refused to go without her older brother. Rafe happily got in the car with them, holding his baby sister's hand all the way there and while they waited for the x-ray and when she had the cast put on it and all the way home again.

He felt guilty about the accident. It's not like he caused it, Athena was just clumsy and slipped while running, but he was the one that decided on the game and was running down the stairs at some speed. And because of that guilt, and the fact that he so deeply cared for his sister, he helped her do everything she couldn't because of her broken arm, especially since it was her right arm so she couldn't write.

He helped her write out her homework – well, it was mainly Rafe doing her homework for her while she watched with a smiled – he helped her put on her shoes and tie her laces, he walked her places because she couldn't ride her bike again. He helped her a lot, and it was one of the reasons Athena loved Rafe.

Athena Cameron loved her older brother so much. He was the person who was always there for her, he was the person who would come home with gifts from trips or would buy her sweets from the shops even when she didn't ask him to. He was the person she raced against in the arcade at the country club and the person that taught her to play golf and helped teach her to drive – he started with showing her how to drive a gold buggy before moving into an actual car.

Rafe Cameron helped shape Athena into who she was today. He helped shape her into the kind, bubbly, helps everyone Athena that everyone got to see. And that was why Athena loved her brother, because he was one of the best people she knew.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now