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Ran and Sanzu thought Takeomi was kidding but he wasn't. Now all of you were on a yacht and Sanzu along with Ran were both tied up together, just dangling at the side.

"Okay, this isn't funny anymore." Sanzu chuckles nervously yet it was clear that there was still anger in his voice.

"Rindou, get me fucking out of here!" Ran yells, twisting to try and get out.

"I have no say in this." Rindou spoke calmly, watching his brother struggle. "You should have listened to Akashi."

"Are you enjoying this, sunshine?" Takeomi chuckles, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Mhm." You hum as you chewed on a piece of Taiyaki beside Mikey.

"Should we release them into the water?" Mikey asks you, the question making the two freeze.

"Princess...you don't want me to drown, right?" Sanzu asks, his voice uncertain.

"Uh...I think I can see a shark coming up..." Ran starts to panic. "Rindou, get me fucking out of here right now!"

Rindou leans over to look closer into the water to see if there really was a shark coming up. He couldn't see it.

"I think that's enough." You sigh, motioning for Mochi to pull them up.

"That's too bad. Should've let the shark eat them, less mouths to feed." Kokonoi mutters before taking a sip of his champagne. He was the only one sitting on a lounger, not finding interest in watching Ran and Sanzu beg for their lives.

"There's no shark." Takeomi clicks his tongue distastefully, glaring at Ran and Sanzu as they were being hoisted up.

Takeomi and Mochi shared a look and Mochi "accidentally" lets go of the rope. Ran and Sanzu fell into the water, their screams getting cut off by the water.

"My bad!" Mochi laughs and pulls them up again, Ran and Sanzu coughing up water.

"Mochizuki, you fucking bitch!" Sanzu yells after he recovered.

"Get my fucking baton, Rindou! Get my fucking baton!" Ran angrily yells, losing his cool.

"You two are so dramatic." Kakucho rolls his eyes and unties them.

"We almost fucking died!" Sanzu screams, holding Kakucho's collar.

"You were in the water for barely two seconds, quit whining." Takeomi smacks Sanzu on the back of his head and pulls him off of Kakucho.

"Get my fucking baton..." Ran lays on his back, still muttering the same words over and over again.

You leaned over to Ran and shoved half of your Taiyaki in his mouth to stop him from talking. Ran was about to burst again but then he realized it was you and calmed down.

"Chew slowly." You instructed him like he was a child. Well, he had been acting like one until now.

"What about me?! I almost died too!" Sanzu complains, walking over to you.

"Do you even like Taiyaki?" You raise an eyebrow at him.

"Of course, who doesn't like T—"

You grab a piece of Mikey's Taiyaki and shoved it in Sanzu's mouth. Everyone stared at Mikey who slowly turned his head to glare at Sanzu.

"Now you can finally shut up." You say before sitting beside Mikey again. "Can I have a bite?"

Everyone held their breaths and only released them when Mikey willingly fed you his own food. The chocolate filling made you feel better. And though Mikey truly disliked sharing his food, he learned to bear with it because of you.

It was nearly midnight when you all returned to the island. Since it was very cold, you were wrapped in a thick blanket with Takeomi and Mochi leading you. Ever since you've eaten Rindou's brownies, the cramps have lessened so you were able to walk without wanting to curl up now.

Discussing the sleeping arrangements after changing clothes invited in another cause for fighting. You didn't care much about it as long as you get the bed so you just watched and listened to them argue over and over. Beside you, Mikey watched them with tired eyes. You were convinced that he had fallen asleep with his eyes wide open since he was so still and you haven't seen him blinked.

"She needs her space, I don't think it's gonna do her any good if she sleeps with any of you beside her right now." Kakucho says to Ran and Sanzu.

"Are we seriously gonna argue about this?" Kokonoi sighs. "This is ridiculous."

"She already told me way before you guys came that she'd prefer not to be left alone." Rindou chimed in.

You yawned, catching Ran's attention. He sneaked out of the circle and went beside you, telling you that you should go to sleep on the bed.

"But I'm too tired to move." You mutter.

Ran carried you and everyone stopped talking. He took you to the bed and sat beside you, pulling the comforter up to your chin.

"I'll dim the lights for you." Ran says, doing it at that moment.

"I'm going to sleep first." You whisper before closing your eyes.

The guys sighed and ended the discussion. You had the whole bed to yourself while they slept on the couches, some on the floor.

Around two or three in the morning, Rindou woke up to the sound of you moaning in discomfort. He woke his brother up and motioned to you, the two of them going over to you in an instant. You had kicked the comforter in your sleep and now you were shivering in cold.

Ran was the first to slip under the comforter with you and told Rindou to go back to sleep. Rindou didn't want to let his brother be the one who you'll wake up to so he slipped under the comforter as well and now you were in between them.

Rindou hugged you from behind while you hugged Ran in your sleep, thinking he was a pillow. Strange dreams visited you again and this time it was much longer. Rin wasn't the only guy in your dream, there was someone else as well but his face was blurry and you couldn't seem to identify him no matter how hard you tried.

Not being able to control yourself in the dream, you leaned up to kiss the man and he welcomed your kiss in an instant.

Ran groans softly, waking up again. He was surprised and confused as to why you were sucking on his throat but he liked it. The feeling made him close his eyes in pleasure and he had half a mind to kiss you right then and there.

Not knowing you were actually asleep, he lets you continue what you were doing while he rubbed your side as if to encourage you even more. Rindou shifts and opens his eyes to see you still sucking on his brother's throat.

Rindou sits up causing Ran to open his eyes. The two staring at each other in confusion. Ran had forgotten for a second about what you were doing and only remembered when you bit him slightly.

"You're like a cat in heat." Ran chuckles, holding your cheek.

When you didn't respond, that's when he realized you were actually still asleep. He shakes his head and chuckles again, almost not believing it.

"Say, Rindou..." Ran starts, eyes flickering to his brother's.

"Should we hide her and keep her to ourselves?"

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