The New Beginning (Fan Fiction_Richelle Mead Last Sacrifice)

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The New Beginning (Fan Fiction_Richelle Mead Last Sacrifice)

This is a FAN-FICTION of Richelle Mead Vampire Academy series. I do not own the story origins nor copywright of VA. I did my own story on what I would like as a fairytale ending for Rose and Dimitri.

As Rose moves on with life as Lissa’s guardian, she realized that she wants something. A child. A piece of Dimitri and her in this Earth. But as both of them were dhampirs, it is totally impossible. Or can there be a miracle for this pair of spirited bound couple?


Chapter One

Despite the sunlight shining on me, I still can’t wash off the foreboding feeling that stuck to me as I cross the clearing with Dimitri. Dimitri. Just his name is able to bring a smile to my lips. Right now, however, his presence was making this feeling within me worse. I felt like an executioner, sending Dimitri to his death. Why on earth did I allow Abe and my mom to plan this forest camping trip? My thoughts returned to that faithful day when I’d allowed my parents alone with Dimitri for one minute to look for Lissa.

It was a celebration party to congratulate Lissa’s pregnancy. We had gone to Lehigh, as what was planned, until she’d gotten pregnant. Now, she and Christian are taken private university courses in the Court itself. To others, it was like home-schooled university. Yeah, being Queen gives you all types of rights. She is going to be due in about three months. The other royals had urged her to make it known, that more Dragonmirs would be unleashed upon this world, thus this party. Of course, all Moroi, royal or non-royal, have to turn up for this event. My parents included.

They had Dimitri and I cornered the second they set their eyes on us. I almost cried when Abe suggested that I could go and find Lissa because he has something to say to her. I started to protest, saying that he could go and look for her himself but stop. Abe and Lissa. He would create a bad influence on her. I have no idea what he will say to her.

“I’ll be back really soon. Just ignore whatever rubbish they’re going to throw at you.” I whispered while pulling Dimitri aside. My parents apparently did not appreciate my pulling him away to tell him something that were not meant for their ears and I certainly did not appreciate the suspicious looks they were giving me either. Dimitri chuckled.

“They won’t eat me up, Roza. Go and find her.”

One minute. How could one minute be enough to plan such a long trip? Okay, maybe not really long, but a couple of days living under supervision of my parents in a forest sounds long to me. I’d underestimated my mom’s guardian skills. Well, not really. I’ve known long ago that guardians, especially badass ones like my mom were able to come up with a full battle plan in thirty seconds. Full battle plan, not a camping trip.

I came back with Lissa to find my parents standing beside, to my relief, an alive Dimitri and with three different expressions on their faces. Dimitri’s facial expression, though guarded, I can see the helplessness in it. I tensed at that and shifted my attention to Abe’s. Shit. His expression was one that I definitely recognized since I usually have the same ones when I have an insane plan running through my head. My mom… well, was similarly guarded as Dimitri’s, except with that slight smudginess in it.

They then informed me that they had planned a camping trip during the coming weekend. By the look on Dimitri’s face, I confirmed that the “they” that they mentioned definitely did not include him. They dropped another bomb, saying that Lissa actually knew about it and had given both Dimitri and I off days that weekend. My parents had this planned long ago, I had no idea they were still keeping contact.

“Rose? Rose!” I blinked. Turning my head I saw Dimitri watching me with a concern expression, though with a little of amusement in it. I could feel his hand wrapped around mine, and I could feel the protectiveness, the fierceness in it. I bit back my own goofy smile.


“You were drifting off. What are you thinking about?” his voice, mixed with the slight Russian accent that confirmed his origins surrounds me like mist, making feel light and heavy headed in a schoolgirl meeting her crush way.

“I can’t believe that they really planned this trip.” I winced. “And I thought my mom was a dedicated guardian. She wouldn’t take leave to see me during holidays but she would take leave for a weekend to torture her daughter and her boyfriend.” I huffed, blowing out my breath upwards, making the hair that had fallen to my face fly up.

“And the worse thing was, Lissa actually agreed to it and didn’t tell me!”

Dimitri’s hand around mine tightened. Not in a way which it would hurt me, but rather in a more affectionate way. “It will be over soon. It’s just a couple of days. At least they thought to let you come.”

I scoffed. “That’s because they know it’s impossible for me to not come. If they’d really forced me to stay behind, you’ll find Lissa saying that she wants to have a camping trip right next doors to where Abe’s chosen spot in this forest was.”

Dimitri’s full rare smile was on mode. Actually, in this past couple of years, this smile had grown more frequent to me. I’d see it, almost every day when we finished our shifts and were home. It was due to Lissa, that we were able to have an apartment to ourselves in court. Christian and Lissa share another.

“With Lissa’s condition, I doubt so.” He said, the smile still on his lips. I smiled back, trying to be as convincing as I can. Ever since we found out that Lissa was pregnant, I started to have this weird bugging in me. It was only recently that I really figured out what is it that was nagging me at the back of my mind subconsciously.

I wanted a child.

I want to be pregnant with Dimitri’s child. With our genes, it was impossible though. Dhampirs cannot reproduce with each other. The only combination that could produce a Dhampir was a human and Moroi or a Dhampir and a Moroi.  As both Dimitri and I were Dhampirs, we cannot have babies at all. It was just the way nature work. That’s the reason why Dhampirs resulted to being the bodyguards of Moroi, so that they can keep our race alive.

Shaking this ridiculously impossible thought from my mind, I returned to reality to see Dimitri studying me carefully. He smiled when he notice me catching him studying me and tugged on my hand, pulling me along the forest. I returned to cursing my parents over this trip.

The New Beginning (Fan Fiction_Richelle Mead Last Sacrifice) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now