Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I woke up in a bed. Besides the fact that my head was throbbing and the thick bandage around it, it seemed like a normal day. A normal day in which I woke up in my bed, sometimes with or without Dimitri beside me, gets dressed and resumed my duty as Lissa’s guardian. Something was lingering at the back of my mind though, something that has got to do with my throbbing head.

It all rushed back, the camping trip, Dimitri and my mom going off, the Strigoi attack. I sat straight up in bed, grimacing at the pain that was urging me to lie back down. I ignored the pain and climbed gingerly out of bed, and crashed onto the floor as my world spins, fast.

“Roza! Does your head still hurt?” Dimitri’s strong arms scooped me up and placed me gently back into the bed. I eased myself onto the pillow and looked at him.

“What happened?” I asked, ignoring his question.

He sat on the bed and brushed his fingers across my cheeks. “Your mom and I heard shouting, and then you calling us. Your tone was... weird though, but we just ran back in case something was wrong. We found the bodies, Abe in a circle of fire, you fighting…” he trailed off.

“You had a concussion. And internal bleeding.” He finished. My hands found his and squeezed it.

“I figured.” I smiled. “I think those Strigoi had a problem with my head. Bad blood with it I guess, they kept aiming for it.” I joked. He returned me a small smile.

“Hey.” I frowned at him. “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head. I don’t believe though, and kept my stare at him.

“You were hurt. And I didn’t even notice it until you passed out.” I stared at him. I can’t believe it. My hand around him tightened.

“You better grab my other hand as well, before I punch you.” I growled. He didn’t even faze. I wondered if he even heard what I said. I shot up straight, ignoring the searing pain that tore through my head at the sudden movement and flung my fist out towards him. That caught his attention. Just like the god he was, he blocked my attack swiftly and grabbed my hand, which was twisted tightly into a fist.

“What are doing?”

“Trying to get you to wake up! It’s not your fault that you didn’t notice. It was dark out there, for god’s sake. And I am guessing that you’re blaming yourself as well for not being there when those Strigoi attacked?” I fumed, and blinked furiously as the Dimitri in front of me multiplied to three Dimitris. I closed my eyes as his image began to multiply to an alarming rate, until it became blurring. Dimitri must have sensed my dizziness, and eased me gently down.

“I’m sorry, Roza.” He apologized. “I-“

Knock. We looked towards the door and saw Lissa’s head peeping in. “Can I come in?” she asked. I smiled. Only a queen like her would act as she is now.

“Of course, your majesty.” Dimitri stood; he left with a glance at me which I pointedly ignore. He bowed as he passed Lissa, who gave him a sympathetic smile.

“How are you?” She sat on the edge of my bed. I knew, even without the bond that she want to know what was going on with Dimitri and me. I told her what happened, about Dimitri blaming himself and me trying to punch him. She burst out laughing when I told her about the punching part.

“Oh, Rose. Only you are able to punch someone you love. He’s worried about you. You have no idea how chaotic it was when he ran into Court with you in his arms. He was by your side the whole time. He only left just now because Christian has to go away and he needs to schedule Dimitri’s shifts. Even so, he refused to be away for more than ten minutes in case you woke up.”

My heart melted at Dimitri’s tenderness. That didn’t mean I wasn’t mad at him for shouldering the blame. I glanced up when Lissa’s hand move to hold mine and closed her eyes. Sensing what she’s going to do, I pulled my hand away.

“Lissa, don’t. What if it hurt the baby?” Lissa laughed, and then explained that she already asked the doctor. It is okay for her to use magic while she’s pregnant. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t want to risk anything. Lissa’s magic element was spirit and was far, far, different from other basic elements. She sighed and nodded when I insisted that she don’t heal me, then advised me to talk to Dimitri instead of ignoring him. She left after informing me that I have now extra three days off. Wow. A total of five days leave in a week.

My eyes found Dimitri walking in a few minutes after Lissa left. From his face, I guessed Lissa had spoken to him a bit. I gave him the most apologetic smile I could muster up and my heart warm when he returns it with one of his rare, genuine ones. He came more quickly and wrapped his arms around me, giving me that safe, secure feeling I always have with him around. I leaned onto him, smiling to myself.

In that instant, we connected again. Like what other spirit users always see in our auras, we matched. The smiles we exchanged and the eye contact we had were enough to convey the thousand words that lovers have to say to express themselves.

Deep down, though, as my thoughts returned to Lissa, there will always be something that I know Dimitri would not know, despite our connection. I’ve kept it so deeply within my heart, my soul, which I don’t think that even if someone who could read minds would pick up on that thought. I planned to keep it that way, where no one would ever know, nor even guessed.

Daisy Belikov. I will name my little girl Daisy Belikov. She would be a flower as well, living the day as an innocent and sharing the same initials as Dimitri. If only dhampirs could reproduce with each other. As this thought came up, I push it all back down. No need to think so much about it when it was only fantasy.

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