Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hi people!!! Sorry for the long wait!! I had been overseas, and I can't finish the chapter in time to post!

Also, because I received a comment saying that the jump from chapter 19 to 20 was too huge, saying that she doesn't like the way that Dawn suddenly grew from her diaper years to teenage years in a matter of one chapter difference.

So I had this chapter up! It consisted of the time when Dimitri and Rose looked after Dawn while she is still a baby.

I would love to take you through the journey when Dawn grew, but it woulf take too long and this story would drag up to a hundred chapters. I can't do that to you guys! So pardon this still big jump!


28VA Chapter Twenty-Eight (Dimitri's POV)

My heart clenched painfully as I stared straight ahead, allowing my eyes to look everywhere but down at my daughter. Rose isn't around with Lissa to pull Dawn away. From the corner of my eyes, I spotted my colleges uneasily shifting their attention away from my daughter and I.

Just five minutes more, I would end my shift and I could hug my precious daughter andgive her whatever she wants. Just five minutes more, Dawn. I resisted the urge to stop Christian when he came forward to carry Dawn away from me. He stoop down, wrestling her tiny hands from my legs.

"Daddy!" Dawn wailed, her sobs getting louder as Christian carried her further away from me. I am thankful during times like this that Christian is my charge instead of other Moroi.

"Shh, daddy is working. He will play with you in a while, okay?" Christian whispered, handing her a soft toy.

Dawn shook her head furiously. "Daddy!" She sobbed, tears rolling fast down her plump cheeks.

Thankfully, Mikhail entered right then. A swift look towards Christian and Dawn had him increased his speed towards me to take over me. We gave a nod of acknowledgement to each other before I hurriedly cross to where Christian was still trying to pacify Dawn.

"I'm sorry, I can't calm her down." Christian apologized, handing Dawn to me.

"It's okay, they're kids. Thanks for looking after her."

"Hey, you guys are the ones keeping me safe." Christian replied, brushing away my gratitude.

"Daddy..." Dawn whimpered, her face still wet with tears. Her brown eyes, inherited from me, looks so scared and confused while she hugged me tight around the neck.

"I love you, baby girl." I murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead and wiping her tears away. With a short nod towards Christian, I left the room and headed for our apartment. Rose will be ending her shift soon as well.

"Hey. How is she?" Rose asked as soon as she entered our apartment, walking over and pressing a kiss to Dawn's cheek. Dawn giggled and tightened her arms around me. I smiled, giving her another kiss on her cheek before leaning over and kiss Rose as well.

"She had been crying while I was on duty. Christian had to pull her away from me." I replied, a frown forming on my forehead at the scene just now.

"That's bad. Maybe Lissa and I shouldn't have left." Rose said, stepping closer to us. She looked up at me, noticing my frown. "It's not your fault, you know that, right?" I nodded, offering a small smile to her. With one arm carrying Dawn, my other arm shifted and wound itself around Rose's waist. We stayed in that position until our daughter fell asleep.


I sat on the chair beside the cot, staring at my daughter. She is so beautiful, so adorable even asleep. I sighed, thinking back to the situation just now. She is too young to understand that Rose and I will not be able to cuddle her everytime she sees us while we were on guardian duty. Rose, maybe yes, because her relationship with Lissa was a very special one; but it is a different case for Christian and I.

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