Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I was ready for a little rest after the exploring when someone knocked on the door. The voice from behind the door was muffled but I could still make it out as Karolina telling us that the fire was ready. I nearly groaned out loud, I didn't get any rest at all. I resist the urge to pout and whine to Dimitri about staying before I realized what just went through my mind. I may whine a little sometimes, but I definitely do not pout. I wondered if the bipolar moods were starting to take a toll on me. I seriously hope not. It would seriously give Dimitri a heart attack seeing as I just startled myself so much.

I took a deep breath, willing myself to be Guardian Hathaway instead of the weak, pregnant Rose. Dimitri was looking curiously at me. Oops. I gave him my best smile and reached for the door. If Dimitri had questions in mind, he didn't show it but followed me down to the backyard. Indeed, the fire was created and people crowded around it.

Surprisingly, the people here took surprises more easily than those in Court. It seems as though Olena already informed everyone about the event for the bonfire. Every single person who saw Dimitri came up and spoke to him, clapping him on his back or hugging. It was warm and friendly, like everyone was family. I could get used to a place like this, and I realized how much I missed this place after I left.

I recognized two faces as soon as I sat down in front of the fire. Mark and Oksana. I could tell straight from Oksana's grin and the way her eyes darted down to my stomach that she knew I was pregnant. I was tempted to walk over and talk to her but before I could stand, Olena addressed the crowd. She thanked them for coming and started the tradition bonfire ritual, by asking a question. Her question was to ask if anyone wants to say anything. Well, that's quite polite. Not to mention boring. No offense though, I like Olena, she's been a better mom than my mom had, but still, she's too nice. Nobody spoke. Then-

"Is there something we should know from Dimka and Rose?" It was Oksana, her smile on her face showing me that she wants us to tell them that I was pregnant. I could feel Dimitri hesitation beside me and I glanced up and him, nodding at his unasked question. He turned back to face the crowd at my nod, announcing my pregnancy, pride and joy evident in his voice.

There were different reactions to the news. In the end, however, everyone was happily congratulating us. After that, everyone started on more story telling and catching up. As the chatter goes on, my eyelids started to droop and I allowed myself to leaned slightly on Dimitri, resting my eyes a little.

I woke up in Dimitri's bed, cocooned by the bed's owner itself. I snuggled in deeper, can't help the feeling of blissfulness. I knew this would end after our baby is born, but a new blissful life would begin with another living-our child.

It was like destiny gave us this chance, to be a normal family after everything we've been through. Like what Dr Olendzki said, a miracle. But, if we were meant to protect the most important person of our species, aren't we supposed to have no distractions? I don't believe that God would be so nice to give both Dimitri and I a child for nothing. I was still pondering on this when we went down for breakfast. Yeva's creepy eyes were still on me.

"Come. We will see if you are correct in worrying." Yeva said, pulling me up by the arm and leading me to somewhere. She shushed Dimitri when he started to protest and shooed him away when he followed. Yeva took me to a room which looks like a study, and started to shuffle a stack of cards. Okay, now I know what she wants to do.

I was skeptical about it until she started to analyse the cards. "Your child will be special, because she will be the protector of your race. Born to lead and fight, but let her stay away until it's time, if not, you will lose her. Change will occur when she's legal." Yeva's voice took on a dreamy state, as if she was sleeptalking. It raised goosebumps on my arms, confirming my doubts were unnecessary. It was as if Yeva was reciting a prophecy.

It was different from what Rhonda had given me those two times. This is... It makes me feels like I will lose my child if I'm not careful with the choices I make for her. How special will she be? She? That means... I'll have a girl?


I already have the next chapter ready (hint: will be in a little princess's POV) but I was wondering if any of you would like more of Rose's POV until she gives birth?

Please comment and let me know what you prefer!^^

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