Chapter Twenty-Four

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VA fanfic Chapter Twenty-Four (Dimitri Belikov POV)

I watched my daughter made her first kill. It was as if in a slow motion. Her stake was angled upwards as she artfully slided it smoothly into the chest of the Strigoi. The kill she made was perfect. No fumbling, no uncertainty. She was trained. It was without any doubt that she went through a very tough training with whoever trained her. She backed off, pulling the stake out of the Strigoi's chest while he let out a shrill scream of pain before collapsing.

She followed, crumbling down and sat on the floor, staring at the body. The stake she was still holding on to caught the lights from the ceiling and reflected it on her face. She flinched, looking down at her hands. With a start, she dropped the stake, staring at it like it was a poisonous snake. At the sound of silver against wood, her tears fall.

The last time I remember seeing her cry was when she was four years old. We were sending her to St. Vladimir's Academy. I remember her bawling while she clung on to the fabric of my shirt, refusing to even allow her foot to touch the floor of the academy. Eddie had to pry her off me and Rose.

Coming back to reality, I noticed Rose by her side and immediately recognized the look Rose had on her face. I can't have both my girls in such down emotions. I cross the few steps to Rose, crouching down beside her. My arm went around her shoulder and I gave a squeeze. She turned to me, the haunted look in her eyes breaking my heart.

"Roza." I said softly. "You have to be strong for her now. We have to deal with this. You'll be fine. Okay?" As my word processed in her mind, the haunted look faded, replaced with worry. She nodded. I gave her one more squeeze at the shoulder and a look I knew she would understand: she would take care of Dawn while I deal with the other things-and I stood up, facing Hans.

Hans expression was a mixture awe, fury and worry. He looked at me when I stood up and faced him. His expression softened when he caught Dawn's face.

"I'll deal with it. You stay with them." He said. No doubt he was recalling his first kill as well. Guardians tend to have a soft spot for dhampirs going through their first kills. We all understood.

"No. I will go with you. Who is to know there are more out there doing the same thing?" Janine said, staring worriedly at her daughter and grand-daughter.

A whimper caught everyone's attention. "I'm going with you. I can sense it if something is wrong." Dawn said. As much as I was worried for my daughter, her words made me very proud of her. She was pushing aside her own feelings for the sake of others' safety.

"We will all go together." Abe announced, the finality in his voice that nobody denied, even Janine.

Edmond was by Dawn's side, holding her up. We waited while she tried to compose herself-but failed. She broke down once again, this time with Edmond holding her.

"You didn't kill someone." Edmond said softly. Everyone's eyes went to him. "You saved one. And many others who was meant to be his meal if he had gotten away. Imagine how many were there going to be. You saved them all." He whispered to her.

If I have any doubts about Edmond, they were all diminished. Edmond was... Mature, for his age and as a novice. He would be the male version of Rose when she was seventeen if I were to describe. His three molnijas had been a mystery to all guardians ever since he had stumbled past the academy grounds and the academy had taken him in as a novice. There was no doubt that he is the one who trained Dawn.

Dawn stiffled a sob and nodded. It was forced, but nobody said anything. A circle was formed unconsciously, Edmond on the left of Dawn, Rose on the right, Abe behind her, tailed by Janine. Hans and I took the front-left and right. Hans made a call while we were heading for the throne room. I tuned out to the conversation, focused on my surroundings. I have a family to protect now.

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