Chapter Thirty-Four

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34VA Chapter Thirty-Four (Dawn's POV)


"I will join." Edmond said.

His decision seemed to remind the other guardians of what they were told to do. Unsurprisingly, no guardians decided to leave and return to aunt Lissa. If dhampirs had a leader, despite what crazy plans they were going to launch, they never back away. Not to mention fully-trained, promised guardians.

And that is how we ended re-planning our routes and strategies to get to the mines. With an additional of twenty-eight guardians joining us, including Edmond(he can be counted as a guardian considering his fighting skills-at least to me), trying to surprise the Strigoi is definitely easier.

I hope.


Planning to surprise the Strigoi were definitely easier now that there are more brains working. However, with the strong sense of protectiveness dhampirs have, not to mention their ridiculous claims that I am their queen, daughter and charge, ideas that may work were turned down for MY sake.

"That. Is the hundredth idea that could work but is turned down." I stated. All eyes shifted from the papers to me. "Can't we just go through all those strategies, pick the best and not worry about protecting me?"

Silence. Slowly, eyes strayed to my parents. Who. Turned. Away.

"Mom..." I tried. Afterall, she did wanted to help me. Disappointment flooded me when I received no reply. Until her arm nudged mine. Twinkling in her eyes told me that she has another way of helping this time. Mom pointedly focused her attention on dad after catching my eye. Okay... what?


"No." The firmness in his voice scared me. Never in my life had my dad spoken to me in that way.


"Rose. Don't start it."

"Or? Dimitri you know this is not going to work if we continue planning this way." Mom grabbed dad's face in her hands, forcing him to face her. "The reason I took the risk to sneaked Dawn out is because I know she will be able to take care of herself."

Silence reigned the room while everyone watched this scene.

"Daddy, have some faith in me."

"All of us here are capable of taking care of ourselves. Even Dawn. Remember, she's our daughter. And we are all here, she'll be fine." Mom added. I bit my lip. The answer is very important.

Dad looked over at me after a long exchange of looks with mom. I held my breath.



(Edmond's POV)

I couldn't say that I was amazed when Guardian Belikov agreed to go through all previous turned down strategies. We were all risking Dawn's safety when we joined Guardian Hathaway and Dawn in searching for the Jewel.

Also, it seems to me that no matter how much of respect and power Guardian Belikov holds from other guardians, he always caved in to his wife and daughter. Since the day I started guarding Dawn, not once have I seen Guardian Belikov deny Dawn of anything she wants. It is easy to see how much he loves Dawn and Guardian Hathaway.

After placing away the concerns for Dawn's safety, planning and strategizing became much easier. Nevertheless, the weight of protecting Dawn became heavier at the back if our minds. She can deny it all she wants, but deep down in her and everyone's hearts, we know she is our leader. The dhampirs' light. The queen of dawn.

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