Chapter Twenty

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*Please take note guys!!!*

I understand that there have been some confusion over Rose's age when she got pregnant, when she gave birth- basically the timeline. I apologise for that! So here's an explanation to help you guys understand everything better.

This will be explained using their ages by year, not birthdays. If not it will be really confusing.

Rose and Lissa were 18 when Lissa was crowned as Queen, and they took a year off from school (Lehigh) to manage Lissa's duties as Queen.

They started at Lehigh when they were 19, during end August. At 20, Lissa found out that she is pregnant, so she dropped out and took the courses from Court itself. That was around mid-November when Lissa was in her second year in Lehigh.

Rose found out she was one-month pregnant when she is 21, in late June. At that time, it was nearing the end of Lissa's second trimester. Lissa gave birth around July period when she is 21.

Rose gave birth to Dawn when she was 22, in mid-February. Dimitri was 29.

Rose and Dimitri got married when Rose was in her second-trimester, in Baia. I'm sure you guys remember the wedding~^^

Please let me know in the comments if it had helped!!! thanks!!!


Chapter Twenty (Dawn Belikov's POV at seventeen years of age)


"I choose... Edmond James." Heads shoot up at the name I just called. Even Edmond himself stared at me in shock. What? Just because he's mute doesn't mean he can't fight. Plus, he is the only novice in the academy that already has three molnija tattooes. Guardian Petrov gave Edmond a nod, and he went forward to collect my information package. If my parents aren't badass guardians I would have said that Edmond will be the best guardian in the world.

Actually, scratch that. If my parents had allowed me to learn how to fight and put me in novices classes like a dhampir kid should be, I have no doubts that I'll be a better guardian that Edmond. But since I can wield magic, aunt Lissa had allowed my parents to choose if they want me in Moroi classes or be a novice. Like a protective mother bear my mom was, she chose Moroi classes for me. Oh well.

Recently, all the other academies have reported being attacked by Strigoi, leaving St Vladimir in a frenzy. To make things worse, all the other few Dragonmirs were in this school-Carter, David, Regan, Ericka, Andrea and Rose. Yeah, aunt Lissa's third daughter is named after my mom. This caused quite a problem when both Rose and my mom were in a room and aunt Lissa were calling my mom. Two person usually answers her.

So, to protect the few Dragonmirs we have, every Moroi in St Vladimir high school is given a novice for extra precaution. All novices were given a real stake, and will be accompanying their Moroi around. Since I'm in Moroi classes, I'm taken as a Moroi despite being a dhampir. Today, we were brought to the clearing to choose our 'guardians'.

Edmond is mute, or rather, doesn't talk nor socialise much. Nobody even know how his voice sound like. We only knew he wasn't mute was the guardians in school. They had brief conversation with him. Once. I noticed him the first time I saw him fight. The weird thing is, he seems to hold back a lot when sparring with the other novices. This made me curious about him, his quietness, his fighting techniques.

"Good choice. James is a good fighter." Eddie, Guardian Castile said. Eddie is a good friend of my mom, and take care of me a lot, often getting me out of troubles with other guardians, who seemingly are not surprised with my behavior. It's also good to mention that he is a badass guardian as well. According to Eddie, my mom didn't exactly have a good student reputation, that explains the other guardians' reactions to my behavior. They must have heard of my mom's reputation.

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