Chapter Twenty-three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

I regain consciousness feeling like a train just ran over me and the people who saved me somehow forgotten to feed me for days. I groaned and shifted, trying to get comfortable. No difference. Slowly, I cracked opened an eyelid, then the other. Sitting by my bed were my parents.

"Dawn. How are you feeling?" My mom asked as soon as she saw my eyes opened.

"Uh... I feel like eating a whole plate of cupcakes before swallowing a bottle of painkillers." I mumbled, knowing that they would be able to hear me.

My dad chuckled. "The first would be okay, but I'm afraid we will have to cut down the dosage for the second one."

"As long as it takes away the pain..." I whined. Yeah, I may be the daughter of two kickass guardians, but I'm definitely a spoilt daddy's girl.

There was a moment of silence. "Is there anything going on between you and Edmond?" My mom suddenly blurted. I froze. Anything? Anything, as in... Love? Or fondness? Or friendship? Or did they find out about our plan?

I decided to play dumb. "Erm... He is my guardian and I am his charge?" I said, trying to look indifferent.

"That is something everybody knows. What we meant is something nobody knows." My dad added in. I stayed silent. What was it were they referring to?

"You know. We aren't against relationship. Just, don't do anything that... Um... Shouldn't be done..." My mom said, trailing off in the end.

My eyebrows raised as I caught on to their meaning. "You mean sex?" I asked.

My mom looked relieved. "Yes." She said. Then her eyes narrowed. "I hope I'm not too late in warning you."

"Mom!" I cried out, "I'm still a virgin!"

"That's good to hear." My dad mumbled. Shit. I have totally forgotten the presence of my dad. My face flushed and I tried to change the subject.

"Can I just have my cupcakes now? Chocolate flavoured ones." I asked. My mom's eyes twinkled in amusement.

"Chocolate flavoured cupcakes aren't the best to talk about after a subject of sex..." She said, getting up from my bed. My dad was trying to keep in a smile, which makes me wonder if my birth were somehow related to chocolate cupcakes.

The atmosphere quickly changed though, after my mom left the room. My dad became serious and I know that there would be no more jokes.

"Dawn." My dad paused, "Your element. You should know about the side effects and the dangers that comes with it. Why didn't you let us know?" He asked.

"Daddy... I... I just, didn't want mom to go crazy about it. I swear that for all these years of using my magic, I never felt any of those side effects Aunt Lissa or Aunt Sonya had talked about. Even about the ones mom told me, I didn't. The only side effect I felt was the fatigue. I would be more tired than the others after using my magic. That's all. Maybe because the reason is that I have not only spirit, I have the other four elements as well." I explained. Instead of being relieved as I thought my dad would, he frowned.

"What do you mean, you have the other four elements as well?"

"Um, I can wield all four elements as well as spirit. It is not just a normal connection like most Moroi, I can really conjure up the element. Like, I can control flames, the wind, waves at the seaside and earth."

My dad's frowned deepened. "You mean you are not specialized at all but is able to conjure all element like a specialized would be able to?" He confirmed. I nodded.

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