Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

It was like trying to get out of a maze. Edmond lead us on, never stopping. The pain was getting worse and hard to ignore. My back can't even support itself, and Edmond was near to carrying me. Finally, I spotted sunlight.

"Edmond..." I breathed, tugging at his sleeve. I pointed towards the sunlight as soon as I got his attention. He brought me over towards it and looked out. Slowly, he lifted my arm from around his neck and gently place me on the floor, leaning me against the wall.

I watched him unlatched and pushed the window open. He looked out, seized whatever was out there before turning back to me.

"We have to make a run. Will you be okay?" He asked. I stared. He just spoke. Edmond spoke. And this voice... He called my name that night! He was the one that called my name and pushed me away from the Strigoi.

"Dawn?" He prompted. I jolted out of my trance and nodded at him. He gave a brief nod and helped me up. He was helping me out the window when a voice shout out.

Quick as lightning, I was back on the ground with Edmond standing protectively infront of me. Two Strigoi stood there, snarling in rage. Their eyes landed on me before the fight began. It was obvious that they wanted me as well. I could only guess how many Strigoi did my parents killed in total.

I focused on the Strigoi, and wielded the fire element. Flames burst from their backs and they screamed, causing me to cringe. That was enough of a distraction for Edmond. The stake slided up into the heart of one, then swiftly entered the next. Edmond came back to me after confirming both bodies were still and wasted no time in helping me out of the window. The jump wasn't short, but I have to do it. I closed my eyes and pushed myself off the edge. Something black swirled around at the back of my mind as I landed.

Ouch. My left foot twisted under me and a whimper left my lips. There was no time to check my foot. Edmond landed beside me and slipped his hand around my waist and ran. Grimacing, I tried to ignore this newly added pain and ran with Edmond.

We ran out into the sun, which was getting brighter at each passing minute. Good. That means we are free from Strigoi dangers. Hopefully. As we entered the sidewalks, Edmond slowed down. He looked around us, seizing up the area. People are giving us strange looks. I wonder what is wrong with us.

"Do you think we should call the police?" Someone whispered. I turned around. A couple was staring at us. They scurried off when they saw me looking at them.

"Don't. They may beat us up for interferring." The man whispered when they past us.

I looked down at myself. Blood stains on my top and jeans, both ripped and tattered. Edmond was in a better state than I am, though I'm not fooled. He had taken the blows from the Strigoi for me and fought with others. I have to heal him so he would be in a better form.

"Edmond. We have to find some place to rest, so I can heal you and see if I can contact anyone through spirit dream." I told him. Edmond nodded an stirred me away immediately.

He lead the way back to Westmoreland Mall, settling down at the bench near the entrance. Sunlight shone on us through the translucent glass. I grabbed hold of his hands.

"Dawn. Don't." Edmond said. I looked up at him, confused. Don't what?

"Don't use your magic to heal me. Don't waste it. Try to contact others." He explained, noticing my confusion.

I sighed. "I need you to be in your best form, just in case." I said. "Plus, you wouldn't be hurt if you weren't blocking those hits from me." I murmured, looking down, blinking back the tears when the scene returned to my mind. Edmond reached out and lifted my chin.

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