Chapter Thirty-One

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31VA Chapter Thirty-One (Dawn's POV)

I blinked again. I am technically a novice, except that I have the extra ability to wield magic. And my classes are all reshuffled and rescheduled. I am a novice. That's what I had always wanted, right? Then why am I so shocked and stunned... and a little, reluctant? A novice... a trainee to being a guardian.

That's it. Guardian. What does this mean to Edmond now that I am a novice? Will we be separated? Is that the reason to my reluctance? So many different thoughts race through my mind while I stand before my dad, froze up.

"So..." I trailed off, thinking. How am I supposed to phrase this question without any awkwardness? I didn't even know if Edmond is willing to be my guardian when I chose him, and his actions... it could just mean that he is very, very dedicated to his job, right? Plus, if Edmond is free of his duties, he could very well tell on me. He does know that I plan to escape school very soon.

"Am I still Dawn's guardian?" Edmond asked, putting my worries aside. I glance up at my dad. He is staring intently at Edmond.

"Do you wish to?" My dad asked. What. The. Hell? I swear if my dad wasn't my dad and a guardian, I will punch him. How could Edmond ever answer honestly if he had phrased the question this way?! Of course any sane person would say 'yes'. Uh, thanks dad.

"Yes." Edmond's answer came swiftly, with no hint of hesitation. In fact, there was a fierce vibe in his tone. Or was I reading too much into things?

My dad nodded, then exchanged a look with my mom. Oh, what is it again? I hate it when they do that... talking with your eyes thing that only they seemed to be able to do. So much about reading auras. If I am that special, I should be able to read minds instead.

"Even though Dawn's status is a novice, she is still a spirit user. Addition protection is needed. So things will proceed as normal. We will accompany Dawn to her magic classes. There, I will mentor you on the class you are missing out while Dawn trains her magic." My dad explained.

Edmond nodded, his eyes never wavering. I stayed silent. Actually, I have no idea how to think or act right now. A part of me is thrilled that Edmond still wants to be and is still my guardian, another part though, was confused and curious. Confused about my own feelings, and curious about Edmond's.

The silence stretched until my mom took my hand and lead me into my bedroom. According to my mom, the school's dorm had 'upgraded'. There had been simply a room to sleep and do everything and a washroom in her 'era'.

"Tell me what are you thinking." My mom said. Or maybe commanded, or demanded. My eyes rolled up to meet hers.


My mom huffed. "Oh, come on. I have that same look on your face when your dad told me years ago that we couldn't be together." She said, sitting on my bed.

It wasn't that I feel uncomfortable talking to my mom. Even though I am a daddy's girl, my relationship with my mom was fairly good. But... telling my parents that I have feelings for someone was different, way, way, different.

"I..." how was I supposed to explain my feelings even if I could? "I don't know what to say. I mean, I... I am glad that Edmond still wants to be my guardian. But the way daddy asked him, and, with two other guardians around, it could be that he feels pressured. What if... what if that's NOT what he wanted?"

I was blabbering, stumbling over my words. My mom was staring at me, as if she was expecting more from me. I stared back. Uhh..?

"I want to know your feelings for him!" My mom cried, exasperated. My feelings... for him? Do I have feelings for Edmond? Is it love?

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