Chapter Thirty-Three

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33VA Chapter Thirty-Three (Dawn's POV)

My heart was pounding against my chest, while I held my breath. Slowly, when I realized I couldn't hold it in any longer, I released the breath and winced, hoping I wasn't making any noise.

My mom was in the other side of the room, hiding behind the curtains of the bathtub, while I took the other hiding place-the closet.

Mom had left the windows wide open, and cautioned me to be silent when she told me about her next plan. "Trick them." Make them think that we had climbed through the windows and escaped.

I couldn't believed when mom said that they would probably break down the door. So I was shocked when the door was really-literally thrown onto the ground. Dhampirs were strong, but until then, I didn't really how strong they actually were. To be able to break down that hotel's room door, when a normal human girl would need quite some strength to hold open, it will take an incredible amount of strength.

Their footsteps were like thunderstorm hitting on the carpeted floor. Unconsciously, my breathing stopped again when they paused just outside the closet.

"Guardian Belikov..." I heard Edmond called. My eyes widened. He didn't notice anything, did he?

Then my dad's voice said, "Hails, check your area. It seems like they've climbed through the window." Oh. He was on the phone.

"We better leave before they found out what we've done." My dad said.

"Wouldn't they really call the police this time?" Edmond asked.

"Alchemists." It was the only reply before their footsteps became faint and finally, the "ding" of the lift's signal of its arrival. Still, I was still, terrified of moving, in case there was a trick.

It may be one minute, or one hour, maybe one day. But I stayed silent, cramped in the closet, the few hangers on the rack irritatingly in my way. My heart almost stopped when the closet door was flung open.


"Come on, we have to leave!" My mom said, grabbing my arm.

When my mom said leave, I really thought leaving- as in walking or running through the front, or maybe back door of the hotel. Never did I thought for a moment we would be climbing down through windows. Mom went down first, urging me to watch how she does it. Damn. Why am I always stuck in situations where climbing windows are the only way of escape?

Hesitantly, I tried to imitate my mom's posture and placed my foot on the ledge. Then all thoughts were thrown from my mind when I heard footsteps. Either a group of tourists are heading our way or dad and the guardians are back. In my haste to escape, I found myself descending quick. Climbing down from the window suddenly doesn't seem too scary.

Our escape were unfortunately, short-lived. Mom spotted dad and the guardians at the first corner we turned. No way to escape this time, we inched our way to a group of girls standing just next to us. Luck for us only went so far, because it seems the group wasn't moving, but the girls were parting as the night is nearing. Dad and the guardians are coming towards us, we can only hope that the dim lighting from the lamp post will be able to hide us.


Turning around, my eyes landed on three pairs of red eyes staring at the group of girls mom and I had taken refugee to.

Damn. I nudge my mom, trying to signal to her about the Strigoi. Apparently, she spotted them too.

Luck was definitely not on our side today. The three monsters are coming towards us. The amount of girls in the group, both fortunately and unfortunately, had decreased from about ten to four. From the corner of my eyes, mom had reached for her stake.

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