Chapter Thirty

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30VA Chapter Thirty (Edmond's POV)

I trailed behind Dawn, who was following her father. I had to keep the laughter from escaping when Dawn had merely took a step to the side and caused Ellie to ram into the table and its contents.

Judging by the look on Guardian Petrov's face, I knew she roughly had an idea of what was happening. Aferall, she was here when Guardian Hathaway was here as a novice. To say that Dawn had a similar reputation as Guardian Hathaway had while she was here would be an understatement.

"I'm calling my father!" Ellie screeched the moment she stepped into the office. Dawn rolled her eyes and slumped down on one of the seats in front of Guardian Petrov's desk.

"Miss Voda. Please calm down." Guardian Petrov said, eyeing Ellie's food-covered clothes. I hovered behind Dawn while Josh did the same behind Ellie.

"Would someone care to explain?"

"She did this! Look, look at me! My clothes are ruined!" Ellie screamed, her voice pitch going higher by each word. Dawn winced, rubbing at her ears. I forced myself to keep a straight face.

Guardian Petrov turned to Dawn. "Did you?" She asked.

"There are CCTVs around in the cafeteria. Check those out and see if I did even bother to touch her. I can't possibly explain her own clumsiness on her behalf." Dawn said, unconcerned and totally bored. I cannot imagine Guardian Hathaway this way even when she was younger.

Guardian Petrov nodded to Guardian Belikov. "Get those."

Ellie was red in the face now. "You... I... I'll call my father!"

"Seventeen years of education and that is the only sentence you know?" Dawn taunted. My eyes went to Ellie who was purple with rage at this point. Suddenly, she smiled, a strange glint in her eyes. I tensed, what now?

"No." Ellie replied.

Without warning, a burst of fire exploded around Dawn, coming dangerously close to her. Everyone flinched at the sudden light, never expecting magic to be involved in this fight. My eyes were on Dawn, who was surprisingly calm. Ellie laughed out loud.

"That's what I had learnt as well. Using magic to fight." She drawled. Dawn wasn't even phased by the fire surrounding her.

"So be it." She replied. As if on cue, a similar fire lit up around Ellie, causing her to scream. Dawn smirked, caught my eye, and winked. Now I understand what she wanted. This is her fight. Backing off, I grab Josh and pushed him back as well.

"What the hell? I gotta protect her!" Josh exclaimed, earning the attention of both Guardian Petrov and Guardian Hathaway. Just then, Guardian Belikov returned, immediately catching onto the situation.

"What happened?"

"Ellie used offensive magic on Dawn, Dawn is pissed so now they're fighting." I explained.

Our eyes returned to the two magic wielders. Ellie's eyes were wide with fear and confusion, while Dawn was still cool. The fire danced around the two girls, and lited them up in golden light. Then as quick as the fire came, a wave of water appeared out of nowhere, splashing Ellie right in the face.

While Ellie screamed like a rapist was after her, the fire around Dawn died down, leaving no evidence that a fire fight had just broken out.

"You... I swear you're gonna regret this! You, you... you freak!" Ellie yelled, pointing a finger towards Dawn.

Guardian Petrov cut in before Dawn could reply. "I will have to take actions against what you both just did, offensive magic is not allowed on campus. In fact, offensive magic shouldn't even be practised!"

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