Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

"No!" I cried out in horror. "I don't need another guardian, and I certainly do not need daddy to be mine! What about uncle Christian?" I gestured between my dad and uncle Christian. For as long as I can remember, my dad had been uncle Christian's guardian, while my mom had been aunt Lissa's. It makes no sense for them to switch guardians when I already have Edmond as mine.

"I told you." My mom said, sending a look to my dad while he shrugged. As usual, the other guardians looked on, amused by our constant bickering conversation. Grandma made an impatient noise before announcing that the decision had been made, so no matter how much I am going to be refusing, it will not make any difference.

Adding extra effort to my actions, I slumped down my shoulders in obvious defeat, glaring at the ground. Of so many guardians to choose from, my dad had to be the one guarding me. Then again, it is better than my mom. Or grandma.

Aunt Lissa piped in suddenly. "I have arranged transport for Carter and the others back to the academy. Do you want Dawn to join them?"

All eyes turned to me. Errr... aunt Lissa was not asking me, so why is everyone staring at me?

Finally, my dad spoke. "Yes. She can rest at the academy. Dawn, we should go and pack now."

"Fine." I replied. Without another word nor glance back at them, I strode away from the huge crowd. Guardians that had fought with me just now were biting back smiles when I past them. What on earth was their problem now? Shouldn't guardians have their 'no emotions' masks on at all times? But what I see were them laughing at me, or about me. I just do not see what is so funny about me that would amused them so much.

"Dawn." Edmond called once we reached the empty hallways. I ignored him, too caught up in my willful sulking. A hand shot out and grabbed hold of me, stopping my strides and spinning me around. I glared up at Edmond who unfortunately was immuned to my murderous glare.

"All the guardians were convinced that you are Rassvet Karalyeva. As dhampirs, it is natural for us to want to protect our 'queen', since we were born and taught to protect." Edmond said, ignoring the fact that I was trying to pretend that I wasn't listening to him.


"Your father is the best guardian for you. All the other known spirit users had their guardian numbers increased. Her majesty, instead of a dozen, had increased to twenty. The other moroi had four instead of the usual one or two. YOU are the only spirit user with only two guardians."

I still don't get what Edmond mean, despite the long speech he had given me. To be honest, I am surprised at his long speech. This time, he continued his explanation when I lifted my eyes to look at him.

"That means they know that you are capable of looking after yourself and even all the other dhampirs, guardian or not. They are starting to see you as a leader. You're wondering why the guardians are hiding smiles? That is because they are starting to get used to you as their queen, a queen of fairness and power. Someone they could go to in trouble, but not fear. They all loved you already. Her majesty is just, but after all, she is a Moroi. Having our own dhampir queen is a whole new story."

The whole information sank in. I... I am a queen to them already?

"I can't... Edmond... it's... I can't be queen. It is just ridiculous. What am I supposed to do?"

"Nothing. Just be yourself. Dawn. You're strong, and believe me when I say every single guardian knows this. Just accept the fact that you will have another guardian."

A new question suddenly popped into my mind when Edmond once again mentioned that I will be having my dad as my second guardian.

"Wait. How are we going to go about our plan? We're still going with it right?" I asked, lowering my voice and leaning closer to Edmond.

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