Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I have no idea how to reply to her comment. She was right. She guessed my thoughts perfectly. Thanks to our wonderfully strong friendship. If it wasn’t for the fact that this was something I wouldn’t want anyone to know, I would have been joking and telling her that she was able to read my mind like how I was able to when I was shadow-kissed. I stared at her, almost as if I thought she was going to say,’Ha! Caught you!’

I looked down, sinking onto her bed. I could almost imagine her sympathetic expression as I watched her shoes moved closer to me.

“Oh, Rose. I’m so sorry. Life just isn’t fair…” she whispered, sitting down beside me on the bed.

I smiled. I knew my best friend would always be there for me. “Well, if you really feel sorry for me, you’ll promise to let me be your children’s godmother. At least you did something to ease this sorrow feeling in me. By sharing your children.” I laughed, trying to make it sound like I was joking, when in fact I was hoping she would agree.

She did. “Rose! Of course I’ll promise! I would have forced you to be even if you didn’t suggest it!” we looked at each other, both feeling grateful towards each other. And we burst out laughing.

I waited for Lissa while she took her bath. When we’ve both stopped laughing, I’d told her that I’ll study the law to see if there were any loopholes while she rested. Now, I thought back on our conversation. Lissa and I would do anything for each other. The only problem was, I’ll always be the less important one, because I’m a dhampir. I know, however, to Lissa, I was important, maybe even more so than some Moroi.

However important I am to Lissa, I knew that there would be outburst of horror if Lissa ever announced me to be the godmother of her children. Whoever heard of a dhampir being a godmother of a Moroi kid? I sighed. I guess my fate was to die with the wish of having a child. How pathetic.

I looked up as Lissa came out of the bathroom. She looked beautiful, just like a queen should be, even with a swollen belly. I push back the envy coming up in my mind and concentrated on keeping myself awake for the next few hours. I groaned at the thought of studying.

“Okay, give me the laws and whatever shit those pests gave you.” I said, mentally wincing at the stack of papers I knew would appear before me.

Lissa laughed as she pulled out a piece of paper from a file. “Here.”

I stared at the piece of paper in my hands. Just a single sentence printed onto the page and it doesn’t even cover even one quarter of the paper. I blink at the sentence. The ruler should do what is the best for its people. That is supposed to be an obvious statement, isn’t it?

“Are you stunned?” Lissa’s voice pulled me out of my trance.

“This is it? This is the culprit of your sleepless nights and endless drama?” I cried, my voice getting higher as I spoke. Lissa nodded and laughed while I cursed and swear at whoever made up these rules.

I was confused, though. “What does this sentence have had to do with them ruling over you?”

The New Beginning (Fan Fiction_Richelle Mead Last Sacrifice) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now