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This is a short chapter of Fraxinelle. Let me know if it is good and if I should start planning this book! ^^


"Step-sister." I repeated, staring at the people in front of me. When they nodded, I mirrored their actions. "So?" I asked. There must be something they want from me to suddenly give me this news.

"So... since... you know... we are not bonded anymore, Abe was thinking if you'd like to spend more time with her..." Lissa started.


There was silence in the room at my reply. Even Dimitri knew not to try to convince me.

"You don't understand." Abe started. "She refuses to have a guardian, and she has a temper like you. You will be able to guard her well, seeing that you think like her. Besides, she will be going to Lehigh as well, so you will still be able to see Lissa." He said.

Still no. I stared at him blankly. No way was I leaving Lissa. Finally, Dimitri broke the silence.

"Maybe we can find another guardian suitable for her. Rose may not be the only one who you think can 'control' her. There are so many more guardians out in the field." Dimitri reasoned.

Abe sighed. "Rose, I know you are unhappy. And I am too. I have no idea about her. To make things worse, I was an uncle, a family friend to her for all her life. At least with you, I know about your existence and can look after you in the dark, but it was different with her. The best I can do, is to provide her the best safety I can."

I simply walked out of the room.


After the horrible weekend at Court with the horrible news hanging over me, Lissa and I returned to Lehigh. As usual, we were wondering around the school after classes. This time, I wasn't only looking for danger; I was also looking for my step-sister. The other guardians, knowing that I was somehow distracted, took the outer circle of our "crowd" of friends.

"Her name is "Fraxinelle. She is in the Arts Department. We can go there and look for her if you want." Lissa suddenly said.

I started to refuse when I stopped myself. I do want to see her. And I am curious to why she didn't want a guardian when most Moroi will kill to have as many guardians as they can. So I nodded.

The Arts Department was quiet. We wandered around aimlessly, until Lissa walked up towards a human and ask him-

"Do you know where is Fraxinelle?" She asked, smiling sweetly. There was not much compulsion needed- I doubt Lissa even used compulsion at all.

"Uh- Frax, she- she's most probably at the gym hall helping the others with stage combat." He replied, stuttering a little.

Lissa's smile widened. "Thanks!" She chirped. We followed the path named under gym hall and found a bunch of other people pretending to beat up each other.

Amusement can be seen in every guardians' eyes while we studied the people. It's not difficult to point out who Fraxinelle is, since there is only one Moroi within the human crowd. We watched while she walked around, instructing the humans on how to throw a punch, slap their chest and make it seem like they just punched their partners. It was interesting. While most of the human messed it up, some did well and almost made me believed that they had punched their partners.

But Fraxinelle was awesome. She did it easily and very much believable. We watched her awhile more before someone noticed our presence.

"Can I help you?" A human asked, walking up to us.

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