Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"Are you sure you are alright?" Lissa asked for the tenth time in the afternoon. I nodded. I couldn't open my mouth to answer her, I have the feeling that I'll snap. Dimitri had been hesitant in leaving me for duty and vice versa but I was feeling fine. He somehow found a way to let Lissa know about my puking event last night, making Lissa all anxious. She didn't need to worry about me, it was probably some wrong food I ate that wasn't on good terms with my digestive system.

"I still think that it is better if you see a doctor." Lissa said, staring at me over the pile of papers in front of us. I sighed.

"Liss, there's no need. I feel fine now. Seriously. No need to make a huge fuss out of it."

Lissa shook her head as the door opened. "Too late." She smirked at me while watching a Moroi walked in. Not just any Moroi. It was Doctor Olendzki. I turn an accusing stare on Lissa who smile innocently at me. I groaned out loud as the guardians started filing out of the room.

"Hi Rose, I heard from Lissa that you weren't feeling too good?" Dr. Olendzki smile while setting up her equipment or whatever she needs to check me up. She was also Lissa's doctor. Both Lissa and I were skeptical over any other doctors. Afterall, we grew up with her as our doctor. She had move over to Court last month as Lissa was to due in about three months. Previously, she would come down once a month to check on Lissa.

I smiled at her. It wasn't her fault that Lissa called her to come. She gestured to a chair near her and I obediently went there, planting my butt on it. I watched Lissa from the corner of my eye while she wadded to another chair nearby and sitted herself.

I tried my best to be as patient as I could with Dr. Olendzki's instructions. By the time she was done, I was not only worn out, but mentally fustrated. How could anyone stand to go through tortures like this? I gladly went to Lissa when Dr. Olendzki shoo me away to work on her analysis. Yep, I'm getting a report on the spot.

"How is it?" Lissa grinned. I rolled my eyes at her tone. She obviously knew I was on the verge of screaming 'stop!' on the check up. I wondered if she called for a check up for me just to see my reaction. I seriously hope she wasn't expecting any good answers.

"You know I hate this." I grumbled to her.

"Oh, come on. It wouldn't hurt to check if you're alright." Lissa chirps, her hand subconsciously moving up to her stomach, rubbing it lovingly. I turned, looking out of the window.

"Besides, I sort of promised Dimitri to make sure that you're really alright. This is the only way I could check." Lissa added. I glanced back at her. Right. I should've known that Dimitri wouldn't be at peace until he knows that I'm one hundred percent okay.

"Fine." I sighed, causing Lissa to giggle. Oh my gosh, she has been having all sorts of giggling mood ever since she's gotten pregnant. Sometimes I felt that she's on drugs. My mom told me that it was normal for pregnant woman to be bipolar. It's their hormones. Well, I doubt Janine Hathaway had these giggling moods like Lissa does.

"Rose." Dr. Olendzki called me. The tone she was using, though, was weird. Like, she was happy but nervous at the same time. I looked at the piece of paper in her hands. Is something wrong with me. Lissa sensed it as well, and threw me a questioning look which I return with a confused one.

Cautiously, I helped Lissa off the chair and walked towards Dr. Olendzki. I could feel that Lissa was as anxious as I am.

"Is something wrong, Dr. Olendzki? I mean, is Rose okay?" Lissa asked. Dr. Olendzki smiled.

"Well, actually I never thought that I'll see this day. There is something wrong with Rose, but it's good news." Dr. Olendzki said. My curiosity grew. Okay. Something is wrong with me but it's good?

"Rose. You are one month pregnant."

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