Chapter Thirty-Two

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32VA Chapter Thirty-Two (Dawn's POV)

I heaved a sigh of relief and threw myself on the hotel's majestic bed. My mom chuckled while watching before joining me. I felt so great, after the handphone cover guardian, we have also managed to slipped past under several guardians' noses.

We wasted more time than we thought waiting for the seats of the domestic flight to Romania. Who thought that Romania was a boring place was dead wrong, or perhaps people were that boring. Almost five hours were spent in terror that we would be caught amd brought back to the academy, my mom back to aunt Lissa.

"I wouldn't be this relieved if I were you." My mom said. Startled, I stared. What? Aren't we good enough that we were within walking distance of our destination?

My mom was watching me with raised eyebrows. "Do you really think we are close to reaching?" At my silence, she continued. "They may break through this hotel room door anytime. Edmond knows about your plan, your dad knows that I have been there before; they would know of our plan. We just have to pray that heaven is on our side and let us reach the mines before your dad and the guardians does to stop us."

Oh shit.

"Oh... so... what is happening now?" I asked. It just couldn't be possible that after so much effort, we would be easily hauled back to the safe grounds.

My mom opened her mouthed to answer just as a knock sounded through the door. We both froze. Surely, not so fast? Cautiously, we made our way to the door and I inwardly cursed when I realized this hotel door has no peephole. A five star hotel with slick and classy furniture has a door without peephole?

Slowly, my mom's hand went round and covered the doorknob. Then she pulled back.


My mom strode over to where the window was, and drew the curtains slightly away. Hiding behind the curtains, she peeped around, squinting her eyes a little at the sunlight shinning directly into her eyes. After a few moments, she cursed.

"I supposed they are out there?" I whispered. I received no answer, but from the weary expression my mom held, one could easily guess the answer.

Shit. In the end, we were found. Why must my dad be so efficient in stuff like that? Most importantly, what are we going to do?

"Dawn, Rose, we know you are in there. Open the door." Dad's muffled voice came through. Then my mom looked at me and wink.


Edmond's POV

I left Dawn and Guardian Hathaway alone, heading in to the school foyer. Dawn will have to go through there no matter where she is heading after.

Ten minutes.

Twenty minutes.

Soon, Guardian Belikov spotted me and came over. "Where are they?" He asked. I explained the situation just now, when I was politely "shooed away". Guardian Belikov nodded and headed out.

I longed wistfully for that kind of family. My mom, my cousins and my uncle would still be alive if only I had reacted faster. 

Then I saw Guardian Belikov heading back alone, his expression something strangely shocking, yet familiar. Fear. The most important thing was, he was heading MY way.

"Are you sure that you left Dawn with only Rose?" He asked. I nodded. What was going on? Guardian Belikov gave me one look and two words, which immediately contributed to the speeding up of my responsibility and maturity.

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