Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Rose's POV

I felt Dimitri tensed. That could only mean... My eyes snapped up to where Dimitri was staring at and caught sight of it immediately. I reached out for my stake, but stopped when Dimitri's hand grabbed mine.

"I'll go. There are others who'd spotted them as well." He said, his voice so low that I was straining my ears to hear him. Doing a fast sweep, I realized that he's right. Guardians at the outer circle were already in action. Those who were not getting their stakes certainly knew about it and were alert, ready for action.

Though there were so many of us on alert, I don't want to be out of action, and I knew Dimitri knows it as well. I was going to protest but he gave me a look, one I knew all too well; it said "just listen to me". I already made up my mind to ignore until he swiftly reached out and placed his hand on my stomach.

"Focus on taking care of her." He said. That did it. He was right.

"What's going on?" Lissa asked. She must've noticed this through our auras; the other Moroi were still oblivious to the danger that had all us guardians wound up.

Lowering my voice so that only she could hear, I told her. "Strigoi. Act normal, we'll deal with it."

Lissa's eyes widened, but she nodded, though it didn't stop her from glancing around uneasily. Christian obviously heard me, as he wrapped an arm around Lissa's shoulder, pulling her towards him. I looked up at Dimitri, who nodded once before getting up to join some who had already left the crowd.

We should have known that it is impossible to keep such a thing to ourselves. Chaos ensued when a Moroi heard the first scream of pain when one of the guardians had obviously either grazed a Strigoi with his stake or drive it into it's heart. I do hope it was the latter.

Thankfully, the guardians surrounding prevented the Moroi from getting out of the safe circle. Annoyingly for me, I was within the circle of Moroi, preventing me from getting out of the Moroi circle. I should trust the other guardians to deal with this, but my heart wanted me to be out there, helping them fight. I pushed my way though as panic from the Moroi overwhelmed the tension in the air.

"Rose, they dealing with it. It's almost over. Don't go over." I was halfway out of the Moroi circle when my mom stopped me. I looked. Sure enough, the eight guardians-including Dimitri were finishing off the last three. No. There's one more. One who looked eerily too familiar to me. It took one last look at Dimitri before its attention shifted to me-no, my stomach. It glanced at my stomach before its lips twisted into a sickening smirk, cruel and calculating. He made sure I saw him before fleeing.

The gleam in his eyes is enough to make me stagger back several steps. He knows. What on earth is he going to do to my baby? My daughter...


I couldn't construct a full sentence but I knew Lissa was worried by her tone. "He knows. Lissa, he... He knows. I... I've seen him before... I can't remember..." At this time, the other guardians were already back. I never once thought that Lissa would be able to handle such a situation so calmly.

"Dimitri." Her voice had all Moroi and dhampirs' attention on her. "One of them escaped." Dimitri nodded once.

"He wants the baby. You and Rose, have to be careful, really careful. Rose... She said that she'd seen him before. There may be a chance that... That it was aimed to destroy the two of you." There was an uproar when Lissa said the last sentence. The guardians were all furious.


"We'll get him!"

"It's insulting to think that he thought he could get past us!"

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