Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

“Where the hell is this place? It’s in the middle of nowhere!” I exclaimed once we finally found my parents. We were standing in the middle of a clearing, with thick bushes and shrubs surrounding us. Trees canopy above us, darkening the whole area. It looks more like we were invading the jungle of death than having a forest camping trip. Dimitri, like Dimitri would be, look unbothered by the fact that we may be slaughtered by mad animals that may come running towards us anytime.

Abe grinned. As usual, he was dressed in his flashy outfit, though a bit more casual. The earrings and decorative stuff that hung from him were present as usual, but the lack of his bright colored suit doesn’t make him look less like a Christmas tree. “Amazing place, isn’t it? I saw it on some website that this would be a good place for a normal family gathering.”

My mom snorted at his side. Like us, she was dressed in practical slacks and tee shirt, the only item hanging on her was the overnight bag with probably a change of clothes and other necessities.

“Hardly a normal family gathering, old man.” I mumbled. They heard me, nonetheless but said nothing.

Fifteen minutes later, our tents were set up. I left with my mom, disturbed, while Dimitri left in the other direction with Abe. Abe had assured us that we were hundred percent alone, thus our things would be safe. I doubt his words but bit my tongue. I wasn’t too concerned about losing our things, but I am more concern in losing Dimitri. It took almost half an hour before my mom manages to pry me off to somewhere with her while Abe took Dimitri.

It turns out my mom’s task was to keep me occupied while Abe had a ‘talk’ with Dimitri. And she wasn’t doing a very good job. She mostly told me to follow her while she walked aimlessly around the woods, while keeping an eye out for the surroundings. It was later when we returned to our campsite that I realized that she was actually checking out the area for any positive threats, or more importantly, Strigoi hideouts. The sun was almost setting when Abe came back with Dimitri. Abe looked pleased, and I secretly wondered if Dimitri actually passed his ‘test’.

They switched places. I can’t believe that they are taking turns at interrogating Dimitri. If it wasn’t for Dimitri’s slight shake of his head, I would have grabbed our bags and left with him. He always manages to keep me calm when I thought I was going to go crazy.

It was horrifying enough that Dimitri was now alone with my mom, but it got worse when Abe cheerfully informed me of our task. Cooking. We are going to be cooking dinner. I couldn’t even boil water to save my life. Abe fortunately realized that after a few minutes within starting of our task and handed me the easy way of starting the fire while he did whatever he could. I started my task with searching for pieces of wood.

It was dark out by the time I had a fire going. I looked up, to get Abe’s attention to it when something else caught my attention. They were fast, and dark, within the shadows. There they were, pale faces with red rimmed eyes.

“Abe! Get here now!” I shouted for my dad, my hand already gripping a firm hold on my stake. Abe appeared from the tent, confused and alert. He understood the situation fast enough and was by my side in a second just as the first Strigoi attacked.

I pushed my dad towards the fire I’d started, hopefully that would keep the Strigoi away from him until I could kill them. I lunged towards the Strigoi, aiming for a kick in his leg. He duck, but gave me an opening to his chest. Strike. Its eyes widened before closing. Well, that was a peaceful death.

“Use your magic to keep the fire around you!” I ordered when I spotted another coming. And another. Shit. I plucked my stake out and turned around. I grunted as one landed a blow across the back of my head. My world spins for a moment and I force myself to recover. There are two in front and two behind me. Then, the ground started shaking, a loud rumbling sound echoing past the trees. As quickly as it started, it stopped. While the Strigoi were distracted, I placed myself in a way where I could see all four. I vaguely spotted Abe already created a circle of fire around him. Good. How he managed to do that, I have no idea and no time to dwell on, what's important is that it would keep the Strigoi away from him and focused on me.

One lunged. I ducked, twisting away and dragging my stake across his chest. He flinched and roared, coming at me once more with another from the other side of me. I scrambled away at the last second and watched the two collide with each other. I went in immediately and had my stake into the first one that attacked. Good. Three more to go.

I gasped as the other slammed me against a tree before I could react, pinning me such that I couldn’t even move a finger. My head hit hard against the tree bark, and I felt something wet trickling down my head. Ouch.

“You think you’re so good, huh? Dhampir? I’ll end your life before you know it. My drinking will be painful. Very, very, painful.” He sneered. The other two lingered behind him, eyes menacing and excited. Sick, twisted bastards. I didn’t answer him but had my eyes trailed towards Abe who was staring at me, shocked and worried. I prayed to god that he would have the sense to try and run when they were busy drinking my blood. I closed my eyes, hoping that Dimitri and my mom would be able to save themselves. They would, they always could.

Right. Dimitri and my mom. I tried to make my eyes as wide and as happy as I possibly could. “Dimitri! Mom!” I cried out, trying to sound as relief and as happy as I could. It worked. All three Strigoi’s eyes widened and they turned to look. In that moment I strike up as much strength as I could and plunged my stake into that Strigoi holding me captive. His shocked look was all it takes for me. I ripped out my stake and went for the last two, dancing about in a death dance and trying out blows.

“Janine!” Abe’s voice was heavy with relief. One got distracted while the other actually learnt a lesson from me. I went for the one that got distracted and staked him. He cried out loud, falling onto the ground. The last took the advantage and lunged at me while I was occupied and gave me another hard blow on my head. Damn! Why are they always aiming for my head? My world spun another time and it took a longer time than before for me to regain my footing. Luckily for me my mom and Dimitri had my back.

The last Strigoi was finished before I stood up from the ground. Dimitri’s strong arms caught me as I swayed. I nodded to my mom in acknowledgement indicating that I’m fine before she went off to make sure Abe was alright. Except that he had no idea how to get out of that circle of fire he created, he was fine and unharmed.

“Roza. Are you alright?” Dimitri’s voice surround me like his presence did, and I leaned gratefully against him. The world was spinning again. I nodded, not trusting my voice. My hand reaches up and felt the back of my head. It was wet and sticky. Pain shot through my head and dark spots appeared in my vision when my hand got in contact with my head. I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my lips. I winced at the dark liquid on my hands. I have no doubts that it was blood and not perspiration. The dark spots increased and I gave in as I fell limp in Dimitri’s arms.

The New Beginning (Fan Fiction_Richelle Mead Last Sacrifice) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now