Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Dimitri's POV

I watched my grandmother lead Rose up to her study. I could guess what she wanted to do-a reading for Rose about what she had on her mind. I started to protest, one reason because I knew Rose was still a little spooked by my grandmother, regardless of the brave front she'd put on. Second was I have no idea what Rose was thinking about. She'd been having this look on her face which says that she's worried and doubtful about some thing since we were walking to my room after the horrible excuse of a surprise by my family. Unlocking your door and pretending that there's something wrong to surprise someone isn't a very good idea. I don't want my grandmother to give her a reading which will freak her out.

Before I could even utter a word, my grandmother shushed me. Knowing I could not win in any arguement with her, I stood up to follow them instead. I kept my groans and protests to myself, staring at their retreating backs when my grandmother pushed me back down with a stern look. Yeah, I may be two heads taller than her, but still, I am her grandchild. Meekness surged through me as if I am back to being a ten year old boy as I sat back down obediently. My family were smiling at me when I finally looked up at them.

"Go and wait outside if you're worried." My mother suggested, eyes twinkling in amusement. I gave them my best smile and went upstairs. I can hear murmurings of Rose and my grandmother talking,but I could not make out the exact words. I sighed in fustration, leaning against the wall beside the door which swung open about a minute later. Rose walked out, immediately noticing me and putting on her guardian mask and smiled. I saw her face before she noticed me though, it was filled with worry. Right now, I wouldn't want to spoil any moods, so I smiled back at her, pretending not to notice anything.

My grandmother was just a step behind Rose. She looked at me pointedly, hinting that there will be something to talk about when Rose and I are alone. I nodded, to let her know that I understood her meaning. Couldn't keep my curiosity in any longer, I took hold of Rose's hand and started leading her down the stairs and out the house. I felt Rose's eyes on me while she tried to figure out where I was taking her. I smiled, knowing that she'll love the place we were going to end up.

I slowed my pace when we were reaching. My smile grew wider when I heard her gasp. It was a meadow-like place where I used to come alone when I was young to read. It oversees a lake and our village. The sun was up, littering specks of gold everywhere. I walked over to a large tree, sitting down in the shade, pulling Rose close to me, sitting her down more in the shade.

Rose's cheeks were blushing under the heat, but her eyes were wide and surprised. She looks so beautiful and breathtaking. I remember a few years ago, each time Rose and I were in the gym and I was mentoring her. Even drenched in perspiration and weighed down with fatigue, she still manages to look beautiful. There was also the time when she was knocked out by her mother. The black eye not only hadn't manage to rob away her beauty, it sent heartache and worries to me for her. I recalled spending nights worrying whether was hurting her alot and lots of self constraints on my part to keep myself from visiting her to show my worries.

I smiled at each memory. They were beautiful, just like her. To be honest, I was surprised that I was able to pull myself together when I saw the bullet hit Rose in the chest that night. Tasha, I couldn't believed that she framed Rose. Pieces were forming in my mind when I was standing next to Rose while she speaks on the microphone, addressing the Moroi.

"And that's why I took the fall." I only grasp the meaning of it while waiting for Rose to awake from her mini coma during that few days. Even after Rose came out of surgery and was declared by the doctor to be out of the critical situation, I couldn't bring myself to leave her side. The only times I did, was to use the bathroom to wash up so I wouldn't look that haggard. Though I didn't mind Rose seeing me while I was at my worse, it wouldn't help our relationship if her parents saw me in that state. Our hopes of getting together blessed by her parents would be crushed.

During those times, I can't sleep. My mind will drift to those words she said and the look in her eyes before she became unconscious. She really love me, not loved, but love. Why couldn't Tasha just see that? I know I shouldn't have given her any chances to think that there might be a chance for us to be together, but that was years ago, way before I met Rose. Tasha knew I love Rose. To frame her for murder is too much. I doubt my life would be the same if Lissa and Ibreham hadn't come up with the escape plan. My heart would die with Rose's life. Unlike what was probably going through Tasha's mind as she thought about framing Rose, I would keep to myself more than ever, grieving over Rose's dead instead of getting into a relationship with her. Tasha had been utterly wrong in thinking that in getting rid of Rose, she would be able to earn my feelings.

I went to Tasha's jail one last time after Rose was well and was on duty with Lissa. I kept this to myself, with only the guardians in charge knowing about it. That last time showed me exactly how wrong I was in judging Tasha. I expected regret, sorrow. Instead, Tasha wasn't even the least regretful.

"Is she dead?" That was the first question she asked. I was shocked. This couldn't be the Tasha I knew. She laughed at my expression. The thing that hurt most was that there isn't even a crazed look in her eyes. She didn't go crazy. She had meant to kill Rose or Lissa. It was later she exposed saying that she had hoped Rose would jump out infront of Lissa, thus making her pull the trigger. She shrugged, before exposing that even if Rose didn't jump out, Lissa's death would be enough to make Rose guilty her whole life, and since Lissa was starting to oppose some of her ideas, she realised that Lissa wasn't much of a use anymore.

"Dimitri?" I snapped out my thoughts, my eyes straying to the beautiful flower by my side. With the sun and gold in the background, she looked like a dark angel, dangerous yet safe.

"I went to visit Tasha one last time. On the first day of your duty with Lissa." The words left my mouth, even when I hadn't decide to let it out. Rose's expression was a stunned, unguarded one.

"Oh... How... How was she?" There were no hidden meaning nor accusation. Just plain curiosity and concern. My love for Rose if possible, grew. I expected tantrums, or at least a little bit of anger. With Rose, I always try to expect the unexpected, because that's how things works when she's around.

"I just don't want to keep things from you. She's... Not in our lives anymore. Let's just focus on ourselves, okay?" I asked. She nodded, needing no more words to understand that I don't want to speak nor think about Tasha anymore.

"Tell me what's going on. There's something going on with you and my grandmother." I gripped her by the shoulders, forcing her to face me. She didn't struggle, either not wanting to risk hurting our child in the process or knowing that it will be useless. I'm guessing the latter.

She finally looked me in the eye. "Our daughter may not be what we expect." She said.


Not much conversations in Dimitri's POV because my image of him is actually of more thoughts and less talk! Sorry that this chapter is more about the past then present.

Please let me know if you would like more of Dimitri's POV. Don't hesitate to give me your suggestions on how I can make this story better!^^

*Next chapter will be in Rose POV!

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