Chapter Twelve

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Sorry for the long wait. I would like to dedicate this chapter to CathyDodsley who gave me my first comment. =)


Chapter Twelve

It wasn't fear, but nonetheless I falter, stepping back when she was closer. The back of my heels hit Dimitri's foot and I staggered. I would have fall if not for Dimitri catching me. I look back at Yeva to see her smirking slightly, making me feel foolish for backing away from her.

"Something the two of you would like to announce first?" She asked, her eyes flicking down to my stomach once more. I resist the urge to touch my stomach. The bump isn't too obvious, plus the fact that I was wearing a loose tee shirt, my stomach wasn't even showing at all. How could she know? She can't be that pyhsic?

Her fixing stare was now directed to Dimitri. To my surprise, Dimitri squirmed a little, like a naughty grandchild who broke a vase while playing. He took a deep breath, and his arms went around my waist, his other went to my stomach. He pulled me closer.

"Rose is pregnant. It's mine."

I watched all jaws dropped. Disbelief filled their eyes I braced myself for accusation and shoutings. What came was something I never expected.

"It's wonderful! But, how did it happen?" Olena asked, excitment obvious in her tone. She reached out and pulled me close to her.

"How many months is it already? Do know the gender?" She continued shooting me a series of questions, leaving me with no time to answer and I just stared at her, overwhelmed. Dimitri came to my rescue in time, before I panic. He took Olena's hands gently, murmuring something to her in russian, causing her and his other family members to laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry Rose. I'm just so excited."

I smiled at her, mouthing a thank you to Dimitri, whose answer was to pull me to him once more. Olena led the way to the living room where we all sat down. There, I explained everything to them, how the spirited stake worked. Through the phone call, I only told Olena that I managed to revive Dimitri from the Strigoi stake but didn't go into details.

Tears leaked from eyes once more, Dimitri's sisters were all crying when I finished. I held back my own sob, thinking back to the times when Dimitri was a Strigoi. Everyone was off in their own worlds when I told them how Lissa staked Dimitri. My body was suddenly engulfed into a hug and I gasped, caught by surprise.

"Thank you, Rose. Thank you. For everything." It was Viktoria. Tears sprang into my eyes without permission and I hugged back, hoping to hid my tears until their not that visible. My arms tightened around hers, and hers around me, until we both burst out laughing when we realized how silly we looked.

Olena laughed, then told us that they've gotten Dimitri's room cleaned, so we can go up and rest for awhile, she would sent someone up to call us when the bonfire is ready. Dimitri took my hand and led me up the the stairs to where his room had been before he left. While walking, he explained to me about the bonfire.

The bonfire was created everytime for either a joyous or grieving occasion. I suppose Dimitri being back and alive as a dhampir was really a joyous occasion, but I remembered that lots of them came when for Dimitri's 'funeral'. Wouldn't they find it weird or something? I kept that thought to myself though, I'll just see what happens later.

My eyes took in Dimitri's room when he opened the door. He held it open for me and I walked in, taking in his double bed, chest of drawers, closet, desk, bookshelf and even the mini couch. I felt like a little girl examining her new toy as I walked around, mt fingers running over everything.

I started exploring the first item nearest to me, which turns out to be a bookshelf. Westen novels lined the first three racks, the remaining were filled with books in Russian which I don't understand. As my fingers paused on it, Dimitri translated the title of the book. I found out that he still kept many of his textbooks from school, especially history related.

Next came his desk, with a couple of stationery and papers still scattered above. His closet was close to being empty, and I suspected that he didn't own much clothes since young. I left out the chest of drawers, almost relunctantly, wishing to give Dimitri some privacy. I expected that I've seen enough of his items and invading his personal space.

While I explored, Dimitri followed me around, pointing out an item or two and telling me a story about it. His arm never left my waist the whole time. I have no idea how much time had past with us just going through Dimitri's stuff. I was getting tired and my constant fatigue is irritating me. The pregnancy was making me weak, getting tired after standing awhile or doing a few things. I guess being a guardian doesn't exempt me from the exhaustion most pregnant woman feels.


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