Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Dimitri's POV

The sun was setting, but Rose haven't made her appearance. I was starting to get nervous. Is she unwilling to marry me? I knew I should have proposed before getting all these ready. My mind was in a frenzy.

"Don't worry. Rose will be here really soon. She loves you too much to skip this chance at making you become hers." It was Lissa. She was smiling, surrounded by Christian, Sonya, Mikhail, Jill, Eddie and Alberta. Her other twelves guardians are behind, mingling with the other guardians around, their eyes always returning back to Lissa. It isn't the wisest choice to invite Lissa when our wedding will be taking place outdoors while the sun is setting, but I know Rose would want Lissa here. We have plenty of guardians here though, my friends have all turned up, as well as Rose's closest ones. Guardians made up almost eighty percent of the crowd.

The priest came up, indicating that the ceremony would be starting. I walked with him to the make-shift platform, taking my place. Lissa and the others grinned, turning around to find seats. We all waited for Rose to finally make her appearance.

Janine came out first, followed by Viktoria and Sonya, acting as the bridesmaid, sprinkling flowers everywhere. Both of them were grinning their heads off. Janine increased her speed and walked up to me.

"You better treat her good." She warned, before turning back and taking a seat beside my mother. My gaze returned back to see Abe guiding-

An angel. MY angel.

Rose was intoxicating, even by looking. Her dress hugged her body, showing off every curve at her top part of her body. From waist down, the fabric flowed on until it trails graciously along the floor behind her. The dress covered the slight bulge in her stomach, making her as slim as she could be. Her hair was wavy today, a part of it twisted up into a bun, where the veil was attached to, and the rest was left down.

Our eyes caught, and we stared at eached other. I could see the twinkle in her eyes as she smiled at me. At long last, I reached out for her when she was the few feet away from me.

"You better take care of her and treat her well." Abe whispered into my ear. I wondered if he had practised what to say with Janine. I was too engrossed with the angel in my arms to think about it now. I took Rose hands in mine, drinking her in, taking note of her every ravishing detail.

I never thought that I would be so in love with anyone at all until now. It sounds cliche, but in that few minutes, it was as if only Rose and I exist. We swore to another vow, made another commitment, one that we've both never thought would happen. The best thing was, we did it under over hundreds of witnesses. What broke us from our own little world was the applause that sounded loudly when the priest pronounce us husband and wife.

Looking up at the yard, everyone was smiling. This was one rare happy occasion that was worth celebrating to guardians. I smiled back at Rose, who grinned back, throwing her arms around my neck in the process.

"Ahhhh!" A screaming broke us from our embrace and I noticed from the corner of my eyes several guardians tensed just like Rose and I were. Alert, we all searched around for the source of the screaming. It was Lissa.

As guardians, we were trained to respond quickly in the case of danger, and to us, a scream most likely was equals to danger. Especially when the scream came from a Queen. Apparantly not. Lissa's scream was a scream of joy as she bounded towards us, oblivious to the near heart attack she had just gave to all guardians. Rose visibly relaxed and groaned when Lissa crushed her into a hug.

"I'm so happy for you! Ahhhhh!" Lissa was still screaming while she tried to jump while hugging Rose. Recovered from the initial shock, the guardians were filled with amusement watching the commotion. A guardian being smothered by a Moroi Queen unknowingly.

"Liss, you do know that your first scream nearly sent every single guardian here on attack mode, do you? Not to mention that you're the Queen and your twelves guardians had probably had a heart attack." Rose said. Lissa's eyes grew wide and she glanced around, smiling sheepishly when she caught a few guardians still watching in amusement but alert and guarded at the same time.

Lissa's attention went back to Rose after her surveying. "So how do you feel? I never thought that I'll see this day!" She squealed. I glanced at Rose, I am curious about how she's feeling about this as well.

"Erm," Rose blushed. "I... I'm just... Lost. I mean, in a happy way, of course. Just, I just never thought that I'll have this day as well." She stuttered. Her hands found mine and we laced them together.

"This is one of the perfection Dimitri gives me." She said, smiling up at me. I returned the smile. This is the perfection SHE could give me. I guess we're both grateful for having each other.

The night goes on, though most-actually, all the guardians were getting more alert and guarded as the night deepens, everyone enjoyed themselves. Guardians took this chance to mingle and get to know more in the ranks. The Moroi were at ease, probably because of the amount of guardians present. It was almost impossible to crowd around the bonfire when the time comes.

Rose and I sat in the middle with the other Moroi. Rose had changed out of the dress and was in a comfortable tee shirt and jeans, as was I. We all agreed that the sitting arrangments would be for the Moroi to sit in the middle, where they would be most protected. When we were certain that all the Moroi were safely in the circle, the dhampirs crowded around, finding places to sit.

We did the usual chatting and downing of vodlka, which I had warned Rose beforehand to just ignore it when it came to her. It's not only not healthy for the baby, she also told me about her first time experience about drinking the vodlka, which had me shaking my head at her. Now that she is pregnant, my protectiveness towards her would only increase. We started by announcing the news that Rose is pregnant. It was a pleasant surprise to all, who congratulated us after the initial shock.

It was getting really late, and though Rose was showing signs of fatigue, she was still laughing happily over something Lissa said. I would have tuned in to what they were saying if something didn't catch my eye.

It was fast, dressed in black, with red, gleaming eyes. Something that I am very familiar with, unfortunately.


Song for the chapter: Westlife(Swear It Again)

Sorry if this wedding is not what you expected!!! I just have to add in some drama so that there would be more juice in this story!!=P

*I'm sure you guys can guess what is it that had caught Dimitri's attention!*

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