Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Lissa gasped, her forehead sweaty and she panted in short breaths. Her contractions are getting frequent and her baby boy is coming. She lay on a bed, Dr. Olendzki was delivering, Christian was at her side, holding her hand  

while I held the other at the other side of the bed.

Another two months past fast, and my baby bump was starting to show. As Lissa had stripped me off my guardians duties, I spent everyday with her, except when Dimitri had off days. Christian stayed in Court now that I wasn't guarding Lissa, so Dimitri and I were basically always in the same room. We were still working on the rules implementation when Lissa claimed that she felt funny, like she peed herself. Turn out that her water broke. Chaos erupted.

"Come on, push a little more! I can see something!" Dr. Olendzki encouraged while guiding Lissa on breathing techniques.

This went on until the baby cries can be heard. All three of us, Christian, Lissa and I heaved a sigh of relief. My hand was numb from Lissa's tight grip and my heart was pounding at the horrifying scene that was to happen to me in less than a year. Seriously, watching Lissa give birth makes me feel that taking on a group of Strigoi would be so much easier.

"Lissa." Christian broke me out of my own little world to reality. I smiled at my best friend and her boyfriend-or should I say, husband. The baby boy was gorgeous. They've named him Carter.

I left them as they cooed over the baby. I'll visit Lissa later after she's rested. Dimitri was right outside the room.

"Carter and his mama is fine." I mumbled to Dimitri who nodded and smiled at my news.

"That's great." His eyes roamed over me. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I shrugged, preferring not to mention the experience I was going to go through in a few months' time.

"Do you want to go? We'll come back and see Lissa later." I nodded after checking the time. It was already ten in the evening, Dimitri's shift had ended about an hour ago.

A thought suddenly registered in my mind when we reached our apartment. I spun around while still in Dimitri's arms, causing him to raise his eyebrows at me questionably.

"Have you... Have you thought of letting your family know that you're alive?" I asked, my voice coming out in a whisper. I suddenly realised that both Lissa and Christian had lost their closest kin, Lissa's being dead and Christian's... Tasha is in jail. I wondered if Dimitri would like to let his family know that he is going to be a father. Apparently Dimitri had passed his 'test' with my parents during that shortened camping trip, and both my parents actually gave us our blessings. But what about Dimitri's family? His sisters, mother and creepy Yeva grandma?

I watched Dimitri hesitate as he tried to answer me. He knows that his family had treated him as if he's dead, because I've let them know that he became Strigoi and they took it as if he's dead.

"I... I don't... I don't think so." He finally answered, a look of regret came over him. I took his hand.

"I'm sorry... I mean to..." I tried to apologise. The look he had was heart clenching. I would have punch myself for being so straight forward. Dimitri just shook his head and grab me, his arms around me while he buried his head into my hair.

He misses his family. And I'm going to make sure that Dimitri doesn't miss out on what I have. If I have family support, Dimitri would, too.

Next morning, Lissa was up and about. I've told her about yesterday and she understood my intentions. With Lissa's help, I've gotten Dimitri a few weeks off and a private jet flight to Siberia, Baia. We're going to leave the next day. I wasted no time and excused myself, hurrying back to our apartment. I went around, packing a few necessities, taking a longer time than I would need thanks to my little baby bump, not that I was complaining.

And then I rang up Olena Belikova.

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