Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

I don't want to bring Edmond into the picture. "Erm... I... Have fighting genes from my parents?" I offered, giving them my most innocent smile.

"No. We trained hard to get to what we are today. Someone taught you." My dad said, still suspicious. "What's most important is that I'm fine, right? Daddy..." I whined. I usually got my way when I do that, so I was curious to why it is so important when my dad didn't cave in this time.

"Yes. But I still want to know who taught you how to fight." I shrugged, trying to stall time. To my annoyance, my parents were waiting for me to answer. I bite my lip, wondering what to tell them. They were able to pick up lies from me since young, so there's no point in lying to them.

"A guardian taught me...?" I mumbled. It's true, though Ethan is still a novice, he is my guardian. "Which guardian? Don't tell me it's Eddie. I'll kill him." My mom added. I kept in my smile.

"Nope. Not Guardian Castile. He knew that, one reason why he avoids me in physical education class." It is also true, Eddie would stay away from me during PE classes, all the more easier for him to resist the urge to teach me more things. Like, how to take down a person stronger than you. Moroi take only one PE class to keep up a healthy schedule, totally nothing to do with defending themselves even of we have some sparring matches here and there. They were all playful wrestling.

"Then who?" My dad asked.

"Don't force her if she doesn't wants to say," aunt Lissa suddenly cut in, coming over to put her arm around my shoulders, "it's good that she knows how to defend herself. I would have learned fighting myself if I didn't know I can't even throw a punch and Rose isn't my guardian."

How I loved aunt Lissa. She's been the reason of my mom, they're close as sisters despite their different races. I silently thank her for intervening, but I knew by the looks from my parents, I'll still be interogated in the evening when their shifts ended. I would be having a long, dreadful weekend.

I left for the apartment after we are done with dinner. I have to think up of some reason on how did I manage to learn to fight. Why they had refused to allow me to learn combat was an unsolved puzzle to me. Being kickass fighters themselves, wouldn't they want their child to be the same? Numerous times, I've tried to get answers, only to receive more questions. My mom would avoid me, my dad would tell me to leave the subject.

I felt a little guilty about keeping things from them, but if they were to continue keeping things from me, I can't help but do the same to them. I love my parents, our family relationship can even surpass some of the Moroi. Or I should say, except for some Moroi family who were not power seeking, our family relationship can totally outdo theirs. My alphabets and timestable were learnt with my parents by my side, I go home to see my father and mother show affection to each other, and me. If I could grade my parents on the way they raised me, I would give them full marks.

"Dawn!" I was jerked out of my thoughts as I flew forward. I threw out my hands in time to break my fall. Turning back, the scene had my eyes widened. In that moment, I froze. Strigoi. Strigoi had somehow gotten into Court. How is it even possible? I watched Edmond gracefully stake one by one, never skipping a beat. I saw his true ability. He was not good in fighting. He is excellent.

It was then I realized how much he had held back when sparring with the other novice. I came to my senses too late. A hand closed itself around my mouth just when I was about to use my magic to help Edmond. I struggled, panicked. All thoughts of helping went out of the window. My heart clenched when I saw Edmond look over at me. He faltered. That was all it took for the Strigoi fighting him to turn the tables over and knock him out cold.

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