Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Dimitri was already in the apartment when I went in. We didn't miss out our usual embracing and kissing. Mushy, but we never know when it would be our last time. The books I had in my hands were left abandoned on the side table nearby.

"I take it you know about the Moroi trying to force their ideas on Lissa?" I asked. Dimitri nodded, leading me to the living room. I grabbed the books as I allowed him to pull me along.

"And I'm guessing that you are working in finding something to help Lissa overrule them." Dimitri said, eyeing the books on my laps. I groaned.

"Don't remind me of the studying I have to do." Dimitri chuckled, sliding one book from the top of the pile on my lap to his. He opened it to a random page after checking out the title. He was silent for a few minutes while he brouse through a few pages. He finally looked up with surprise etched onto his face.

"These are really good. I half-expected you to get something on history of Moroi, something along where Lissa and Christian are working on." He admited. I shrugged.

"I have no idea what I was looking for, I did went to the history section though, there wasn't anything useful. Then I met Eddie." I told Dimitri about my conversation with Eddie. He was as surprised as I was when he heard that Eddie gave up guarding job to teach at the academy.

Unconsciously, our bodies leaned towards each other. By the the time I was done, I found myself leaning against him and his arm was up and wrapped around my shoulder. Both of us not wanting to spoil this moment of peace, we stayed in this position for awhile before breaking apart to rest for the day.

The next few weeks was hectic. Dimitri and I barely had time for each other. Christian was traveling around looking for the thousand year old Moroi Lissa believes still lives, thanks to all those Dracula authors. Lissa and I spent hours, until she was exhausted looking for solutions to fend of these royal pests and their 'suggestions'. Not to forget entertaining them when they arrived with or without appointments, trying to get in good terms with Lissa.

Dimitri and I declined our day off to guard them, seeing as we took quite a few the week before. When we finally did meet at night when our shifts ended, we only focused on those books I've borrowed, trying to find some solutions. Despite our hectic schedule, we never forget to express our love to each other in any way we can. These usually leaves me more tired in the morning but nothing I can't tolerate.

It was probably two months later, I felt exceptionally worn out when I bolted for the bathroom. I gagged, the feeling of digested food coming out the wrong way making me feel even more disgusted. Sweat broke out on my forehead, leaving me clammy and soft as I threw up more. A hand reached out and held my hair while I puke.

"Are you okay?" Dimitri asked, his other hand rubbed my back comfortingly. My response was to lean over the bowl while my stomach emptied itself.

When I was sure that I wouldn't be puking I heaved myself off the floor, flushing the bowl in the process. I groaned, feeling my world sway. Dimitri steadied me, his arms going around me. I felt myself lifted up and leaned wearily on his shoulders, closing my eyes. The softness of the bed was warm and comfortable compared to the hard bathroom tiles and I sighed a relief as Dimitri gently laid me on it.

"Do you need a doctor?" He asked, tugging the blanket tighter around me, his brows creased in concern. I shook my head and closed my eyes, trying to shrug off the shakiness in me.

"I'll be fine. We'll just see how it is in the morning." I didn't expect my voice to be in a croak. Urgh. I did my best to give him a smile, though even to me I look quite strained, and I wasn't even looking at myself. I winced internally, unwilling to show weakness in front of Dimitri. He understood me, and nodded, moving to join me in the bed, pulling me closer to him, cuddling me.

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