Chapter Twenty-Seven

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27VA Fanfic Chapter Twenty-Seven (Edmond's POV)

I watched her limp slowly into her room. I doubt that she had notice or realized her shoulders were slightly slumped down and her faced screamed fatigue. There is too much adrenaline pumping through her. The staking of that Strigoi, the using of spirit, it is taking a toll on her physically and mentally.

She needs rest, and lots of it. Her injuries are not going to heal if she doesn't gets the rest she needs. I recalled the last few minutes when she was blushing and smiled. She was so beautiful. And strong. Rassvet Karalyeva. I should have guessed, I should have been more observant when she told me that she could wield all elements despite being a dhampir. Even a moroi could wield only one element.

I did not expect Rassvet Karalyeva to be real. Afterall, all those guardians always reminded us time and time again that it is just a legend, a fairytale to give dhampirs hope. Today, hope came.

For this few weeks since I had started being her guardian, I saw that she had a connection guardians. Be it her parents, other promised guardians in or outside of Court, or the novices, she had this connection with them. The way the dhampirs light up around her, it is almost they already knew she would be someone special.

Maybe it is because she is the first known pure-bred dhampir, maybe she is the daughter of the two most lethal guardians. Or perhaps it is just that dhampirs are borned naturally good natured and friendlier than Moroi. Even I am attracted and drawn in by Dawn ever since I spotted her in the academy.

Speaking of the academy, I remembered how my heart clenched at the thought of returning back to a school just months ago. I have been travelling for almost one and a half years when I stumbled upon Saint Vladimir's Academy. I was tired and starved, so I had gratefully accepted the food offered to me by the guardians at the gate. I spoke only to prove myself no harm to anyone.

They were insistent in me joining the school, most probably horrified and worried for a novice to travel around by himself. Little did they know that I had enough experience to keep myself alive. That time, death had meant nothing to me, being dead may have been even better for me.

The guardians, if suspicious of the stake the found on me, said nothing. They let me in, and soon I found myself face to face with Guardian Petrov, the head guardian of Saint Vladimir's Academy. She was the first to spot the three molnijas on the back of my neck. Surprisingly, she had not prodded nor forced me to tell her about it. Instead, she proceed to arrange a dorm and get me settled in like I was any normal novice.

It was the next day at the academy did I notice Dawn. She was a dhampir, but in Moroi classes. After a few days of listening around to chatters amongst the students, I get the story that Dawn was a dhampir with the ability to wield magic. Gradually, my subconscious mind began taking note of her, the way she acts around different people, her eyes that swept past everything when she enters a room, everything about her. It was like she was borned as a trained guardian, with the extra power of wielding magic.

I had been pleasantly surprised by her choice when it comes to choosing of guardians. Never had I even dreamt that she would choose me. She was too socialable, too popular and too nice as a popular person. She was like an angel. Then she introduced sign language, wanting to communicate with me. I know then, I would gradually be friends with her instead of just being her guardian.

She broke my mask, and my controls went all haywire when she is around me. The training I had years before when I was still in school plus the self control I had mastered when I was wondering around came crashing down. I cannot read her like I can with so many others. Her heart is raw, pure and kind like a new born baby's innocence.

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