Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"Come with me, Rose." Olena said, pulling me by the arm, leading the way, while Viktoria and Sonya flanked my sides. I followed curiously, and was brought to Olena's bedroom. Dimitri had went out early to run some errands on Olena's orders, leaving me alone with his family.

I watched Olena opened her closet and pulled out a huge box. She walked back to us, placing the box on the bed and smiled at me.

"This had been stored away for so long, it needs to get out. None of our girls had been able to use it, not even me. I'm so glad you are here to take its ownership." Olena said, tears coming out of her eyes. I was confused. What on earth was in that huge box that could cause such emotional break down?

"Olena... What is it?" I asked, my mind in a whirl. Olena smiled, opening the box. My breath caught when she lifted up the dress within. It was pure white, made with silk and lace. The bodice was lined with pearls and small stones of crystals, shinning brightly when it caught the light from the sun. From the waist, it flowed down, the layers of lace and silk increasing as it reach the hem. It was mesmorizing.

"Here, put it on." Olena said, bringing me back to reality. I gaped. What?

"Wh-what? Olena, I can't. I don't have uses for it as well." I mumbled, still shocked.

Viktoria laughed. "My mother said 'put it on', so that means you have a use for it. You are wearing it now!"

"Yeah, go quick, we still have to get you ready for our brother." Sonya chipped in.

There was no way to say no to them. Besides, I am stunned, shocked and confused. Why are they making me put on a wedding dress? What are they getting me ready for? My wedding? No, it's impossible. Dimitri isn't even around. I was pampered by Sonya and Viktoria for god knows how long, painting my nails, putting on make up, doing my hair. All the while, I was trying my best to get over the shock and trying to figure out what is going on. Finally, I stared at myself in the mirror. I don't look like myself.

My eyes were lost and confused, looking bigger than usual, thanks to the eyeliner, eyeshadow and several coats of mascara. My face was flawless, the light scars from the few injuries I've got when fighting were covered by foundation and powder. A dark shade of red gave my cheeks a slight blush, and my lips were glossed and coloured naturally. Viktoria had curled my hair, and Sonya had artfully twisted half of it up into a bun, leaving the other half hanging wavily down my back. When they were satisfied with their handi-work on me, they left, still smiling. Olena had left after giving me the dress.

My mind was spinning. I am in a wedding dress. I look like... A bride. I still couldn't comprehend this whole idea of making me wear this dress and preparing me. What on earth is happening? The clock on the wall showed that it was almost six, the sun would be setting in about an hour. A knock came on the door. I spun around, my eyes widening.

Janine Hathaway, a.k.a my mother was standing by the doorway, beaming at me. What nearly gave me another heart attack was the fact that she was wearing a dress. She walked in, closing the door behind her. I stared at one of the item she was holding in her hands. It was a veil, litter with sparkling diamonds. What on earth was going on that I wasn't looped in to know?

"Olena thought that I should have the honour of doing this for my daughter." My mom said. She attached the veil to my hair, before pulling it over my face. After that, she took the box, another item she'd brought in with her, and placed it on my lap.

"This is a gift from your father and I. I never got to enjoy this day, so I'm glad that you did."

I swallowed, and allowed my fingers to trace the box slightly. It was silk-embroided, delicate and exquisite. My fingers trailed towards the golden lock engraved with some foreign wording and unclasped it. A set of jewellery sat inside it, a necklace, bracelet and a pair of earrings. They shone brightly when the evening sunlight hit them. I looked up at my mom. She smiled once more, and took the necklace, putting it around my neck and clasping it at the back. I followed her lead, putting on the earrings and the bracelet. I took a deep breath when all this is done.

"Mom, what is going on?" I asked.

"Well, I suppose I'll be the one to break the news and tell you the surprise. The Belikovs planned a wedding for you and Dimitri. They invited Abe and I, Lissa and Christian as well. You will be surprised with the amount of people waiting outside for you to appear."

I stared. "A... A wedding?" My world spins once again. I'll be... Mrs. Belikov before the day ends.

"Dimitri noticed your insecurities, from what I heard. Olena knew it was because of the pregnancy, but still brought up the topic of marriage. Dimitri immediately agreed and they started planning." My mom continued.

I was trying my best not to cry and let the tears ruin the make up Viktoria and Sonya had so painstakenly applied on me. As if sensing what I was trying to do, my mom grabbed a tissue and dabbed at the corner of my eyes where the tears were trying to escape.

My mom checked the time on her watch. As if on cue, a knock came from the door.

"Janine, it's almost time. Everyone is waiting." Abe's voice came through the door. My mom got up and went to the door.

"It's time, Rose." She said while opeing the door. As usual, Abe was in his flashy suit. His smile contained fatherly proudness and happiness, and I was starting to think that this day was the most normal day I had to a human. It was rare for dhampirs to get married like this. That and my mother was actually showing so much motherly affection.

Abe held out his elbow, and I took it hesitantly, slingling my arm over his. The house was empty, but there were lots of noises coming from the yard Abe and my mom was leading me to.

I willed myself not to faint or fall over at the sight of the yard. Instead, I focused on one person in my mind. Dimitri.


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