Chapter Twenty-Five

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25VA Fanfic Chapter Twenty-Five (Dawn Belikov's POV)

The whole time from when we leave the apartment to the throne room and then out to the open field, I was numb. I knew what was happening, what I had done, but I cannot make any sense of my actions.

Until Guardian Tanner knelt to me. Then Guardian Croft, followed by every other promised guardian. I have no idea how much time had passed, but in the end, my mom, dad and grandma were the only promised guardians still on their feet.

There were two main expressions on everyone's faces, both dhampirs and moroi. Bewildered or awed. I tuned out once more after Guardian Croft interupted aunt Lissa to suggest going indoors, since I am unable to comprehend anything.

"Dawn. Can you describe how you felt when you wielded spirit?" Aunt Lissa prompted as soon as the doors were closed. My parents, grandma, Guardian Croft and Guardian Tanner were huddled in a corner. The other guardians took place as normal.

I blinked, processing her question. "I... I feel like... the same as when I wielded the other elements... but... when I used compelsion on those Strigoi, spirit took over me. It's like... they pushed me back, and they went away when I'm done..." I paused. Am I making sense?

"Wielded other elements?" Aunt Sonya asked. I nodded. No words were spoken at my admission to being able to control five elements.

"Liss." My mom called, walking over. Aunt Lissa went over, closing the distance between them. As soon as they were close enough, they stopped and dicussed whatever it is on the spot.


"Dawn. Have you been training in combat?" Guardian Croft asked. My mom had taken aunt Lissa and her whole lot of guardians out for awhile. Guardian Croft spend no more time and started questioning me as soon as they returned. I nodded in reply, trying not to look at my parents.

"With whom? And for how long?"

My eyes drifted to Edmond's. Edmond gave me an encouraging nod. I was still hesitant, though. I may get him into trouble with my mom. My dad, maybe not much, but my mom is a protective mama bear.

"With me. For about five months." Edmond replied. Surprisingly, no one interupted. My parents kept their expressions blank, though I swore I saw a hint of irritation flashed through my mom's eyes.

Guardian Croft nodded. "I will bring in a few guardians to test your level, if it is fine with you?" Guardian Croft asked, whether to me, or my parents, I have no idea. He was facing me, but his eyes were focused on my parents.

I was surprised when both my mom and dad agree without hesitation. I nodded in agreement as well when Guardian Croft eyed me questionably. At our confirmation, a whole group of guardians entered. I blinked. There were easily over fifty guardians in that group, and Guardian Croft just said 'a few'?

"Just do your best, Dawn." Guardian Croft said, motioning for a guardian to step up. I glance over to Edmond and see him gave me a small smile of encouragement. So I did what was expected, I walked into the middle of the room. I left Edmond, my parents, grandparents, Aunt Lissa and Sonya, Uncle Christian, Guardian Croft and Guardian Tanner behind and faced the guardian face to face.

The guardian was expressionless, like he hadn't just been called out to fight me. I had expected that. What I had not expected was the fight to begin without warning when his hands fly forward, train-speed, heading for my face. I dodged, but barely. Instead of my eye, his fist brushed past the side of my head, digging into my temple.

My mind wanted me to grimace, sink down and cradle my head in my hands, whine and complain about the pain. My body did not. My heart did not. So, my mind being overruled, I sidestepped the guardian and tuned myself into attack mode.

The guardian was down before he could throw another punch at me. Then something caught my eye and I spun around, catching two more guardians entering the imaginary fighting ring.

Before I knew, both guardians were down and four came, giving me no time to even take a proper breath. On and on, the numbers of the guardians doubled at at each 'rounds'. If I defeated four, eight would replace them in the next round, if I defeated the eight as well, sixteen would enter. I was losing count of the rounds I had fought, the guardians I had defeated. All I knew was I am sweaty, tired but too full of adrenaline to stop.

It was only when I realized nobody was coming towards me did I take in the number of unconscious bodies on the floor. Most were pulled to the sides, the rest were scattered everywhere. Then I realized the numerous cracks in the walls and that aunt Sonya and aunt Lissa was going around, healing the damage I had done to those guardians. I cringed.

"Dawn." Guardian Croft called. I winced, fearing the disgust and disapproval I would see in his, my parents and grandma's eyes. Afterall, as a dhampir myself, I should know better than to create so much damage. Oh god, and there's Edmond. How would he see me now?

Slowly, and very reluctantly, I forced myself to meet their eyes. What I did not expect was pride, joy and awe showing so evidently on their faces.

"You've defeated sixty-three full trained guardians within an hour, and you were only trained for about five months physically." Guardian Croft announced, wonder laced in his voice. I was still too stunned to understand what does this possibly means, and my eyes certainly were not cooperating while they inobediently roamed the remaining unconscious bodies.

"It's fine. They all knew what was coming when they volunteered to test, they had been doing their best to defeat you as well." Grandma spoke for the first time since entering the room and smiled proudly.

"So..." I gulped. "What exactly does this mean?" I asked. My heart felt a slight relief when I saw that most of the guardians were healed and conscious. I made a mental note to thank aunt Sonya and Lissa later.

Guilt washed over me once again when I caught eyes with several guardians, however, the curiosity in me overrides the guilt at the guardians smiles. Why on earth were they still smiling at me when I had just knocked them out unconscious a few minutes ago?

I returned my attention back to where my parents were. Edmond was also smiling. I looked away. All these smiling is starting to freak me out.

"It means. You are the one. Rassvet Karalyeva." Guardian Croft answered. He got down to one knee once again, his head bent down. I flinched. And faltered even more when all the others guardians I had just fought with knelt as well, the hint of smile on their faces hard to ignore.

Well, they should be joking,right? Since I caught so many of them hiding smiles. It just isn't right that I am suddenly... Rassvet Karalyeva, whatever that is supposed to mean. Everything just don't make sense.

"Everything don't make sense." My mom said, staring at Guardian Croft, mirroring my thoughts.

"All of you met Dawn before. How is it possible that she suddenly just became Rassvet Karalyeva... it..." my mom reasoned.

Guardian Croft rose from his kneeling position. "She made her first kill today. And. Commanded several other guardians unknowingly, that is what I guess triggered the presence of Rassvet Karalyeva in her." He said.

I shook my head. It is just too much to take in. Or perhaps I am just in denial of everything that had happened today. My dad was exchanging looks with my mom. Oh no. Even after seventeen years of living with them, I still cannot decipher meaning behind each look they would exchange. They always look the same. If I didn't know better, I would think that they could read each other's mind. Maybe they could.

My mom cleared her throat, gaining everyone's attention. What she said was something I definitely did not expect nor wanted.


I know it is short! so so so miserably shorter than the previous chapter! actually, after writing Dimitri's POV, I am a little stuck...


Just when I got 'unstuck', it is almost end of the week!!so I will post this up, and I will do my best to finish a better AND longer chapter, posting it up before end of the following week!

Comment! Vote! Love ya guys!!!^^

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