Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Rose's POV

I see Dimitri caught off guard once more. I didn't expect him to tell me about Tasha. Honestly, I knew about it. It just surprised me that he would tell me about it. I saw him walking off in another direction when I was going to Lissa. Somehow my guts proved me right. If he'd told me before he went, I would have went with him. I may hate Tasha for trying to shoot Lissa, but she can't be that bad if she had love Dimitri so.

"Your child will be special, because she will be the protector of your race. Born to lead and fight, but let her stay away until it's time, if not, you will lose her. Change will occur when she's legal." I recited. I memorized it the first time Yeva said it. It is important, it concerning the life of my unborn daughter. Dimitri's facial expression was unreadable. No doubts, the wheels in his brains are turning.

"What do you think about this?" He asked, finally out of the thinking state. I knew hidding anything from him was impossible, he knew me just like I knew him, so I told him about my thoughts from morning, all the way until Yeva took me for the reading.

"I... I'm scared, Dimitri. I'm scared. My daughter may die if we make the wrong choices for her. Or what if it is worse? The losing her part... What if it isn't her life? What if it's her..." Soul. Trying to kill Dimitri is hard. It kills me when I staked him. To my daughter? I can't. I can't bring myself to do it. Even as a Strigoi I'm sure I will end up protecting her instead of killing her. I knew Dimitri heard my unsaid word.

"Then we'll make the correct choice. We'll keep her safe and take no risk until there's a change in her fate." He said, his arms tightening around me. His face took on the protective look I am so familiar with, the one where I know he'll do anything to protect me, and our daughter.

We sat in silence, me wrapped in Dimitri's arms tightly. This feeling is bittersweet, the blissfulness of being together, knowing a child is on her way to our lives, yet the death of her or worse hangs over us.

Unconsciously, my hand went up to feel the bulge at my stomach, which Dimitri's hand covered over mine only a few seconds later. It isn't until the sun was starting to set that we left. I'd wanted to stay longer, but Dimitri was worried that we may meet Strigoi when we leave only when dark. Not that he feared them, he was more concern about me fighting while pregnant.

We've missed lunch, and I realized that I was starving. I shocked myself at the amount of food I ate. It didn't really help when Olena happily piled my plate when it was getting empty. Refusal was out of the question, partly because I am really hungry and I didn't want Olena to think that I don't like her cooking. To my surprise, Dimitri did not even batt an eyelash while seeing me eat so much. I got my question answered when we returned back into his room.

"I've lived with pregnant woman, Roza. I should be more worried if you weren't eating much." His answer both soothes and filled me with dread. I bite my lip, wondering if I should voice out my worries.

"What is it?" Dimitri asked, looking down at me.

"I... I'll grow fat." I said quickly, hanging down my head and turning away from him. I heard Dimitri's chuckle before he pulled me to him, so that my back was leaning against his chest. His arms went around my waist, resting on the bulge on my stomach. He rested his chin on my shoulder, pressing his cheek against mine and gave a small laugh.

"Roza, you are pregnant, not fat. Don't forget that you will be feeding both yourself and our daughter during meals. The more you eat, the more our daughter is growing. You shouldn't worry over eating big meals or getting fat, because you will still look beautiful. Besides, you'll get back your figure sooner than you think." Dimitri said, his voice soft and reassuring.

I closed my eyes. How many times have I wished for situations like this, but when I am in it, I feel insecure. This feelings just don't match what I have hoped and wished for. I love Dimitri. I am thrilled that I am pregnant and we will soon be having a daughter in our lives to complete us. As a family. I have no status. I knew Dimitri love me as well, but do I really want marriage to come into our lives? What if my daughter grew up and asked about it? What am I supposed to say? Dimitri is so positive that the child in me is his daughter, what will happen if he's wrong? What if there's a mistake? But I've never been with other guys... My mind whirled over Dimitri leaving me, his eyes showing hurt and pain that I've betrayed him. It was as if I went back to the state when I first found out that I'm pregnant. Scenes of Dimitri leaving me flashed before me, leaving my heart to tightened and squeeze itself to sorrow.

I flinched when I felt fingers on my cheeks. Opening my eyes I found Dimitri's warm brown eyes staring at me in concern. My eyes travelled down to his fingers, which were glittering in the light from the moisture. I wiped at my cheeks, realizing that I've been crying. I swallowed, giving Dimitri my best Rose I-am-fine smile. I have no idea whether to be relief or anxious that Dimitri didn't press on for answers. Instead, we ended the night early, crawling into bed and snuggling without a word to each other. I tried pushing everything out of my mind and forced myself to rest. My daughter needs it. If anything, I'll just call Lissa or my mom tomorrow.

I woke up in the middle of the night to an empty bed. The alarm clock standing on the table read 11.25pm. I pushed myself out of the bed and went in search for Dimitri. The house was still brightly lited. Voices in the kitchen led my legs towards them, walking faster when I heard Dimitri's voice. He was talking with Olena. I stopped in my tracks when I heard my name, but to my fustration, their conversation is in Russian. I caught a few phrases from their conversation, "in the house,", "everyone-", "will be happy," and "her mother-" from Olena and "how to do it," and "when will it happen," from Dimitri. My breath caught when I heard Dimitri saying "I love Roza." It was so different, so emotional and dripping with so much love when he said it in Russian than he said it to me normally.

I left them, since I can't fully understand their conversation enough for me to eavesdrop. Hearing those last three words from Dimitri had erased all doubts from my previous worries, and I felt my mind calm down. Maybe there's no need to call and worry Lissa or my mom.


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