Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I felt him froze. I pulled back, hanging my head down. I couldn't face him, see the look in his eyes when he heard the news. Now that he is here and I told him, how would he react? Would he push me away in disgust? I whimpered at the thought.

"Rose." His voice was unreadable. His hands were back on my shoulders. I shook my head, burying it in my hands. I tried to explain, hoping he would understand that I love only him.

"I have no idea how. Dimitri, I swear I have no idea how. You are the only one I love and the only man allowed to touch me in any intimate way. I... I really don't know how..." I trailed off, feeling my voice break towards the end. 'Please don't leave me.' I silently thought.

As usual, it was as if Dimitri could read my thoughts. His hands tightened, gripping my shoulders harder but not such that it would hurt then he surprised me by pulling me into a hug.

"I'll never leave you, Roza. I know how much I love you, and I know how much you love me. I don't even think that you would cheat on me because I know you. I love you, Roza." It was my turn to freeze. He... He wasn't disgusted at me? I pulled back, staring into his eyes. They were still warm, loving and tender. No sign of hurt or betrayal.

"You..." I began but stopped. I have no idea at all what to say.

"What did Dr. Olendzki say about your pregnancy?" Dimitri asked. I blinked, trying to recall what Dr. Olendzki had said.

"A miracle. She said it was a miracle." I answered, almost as if it was a computer generated answer and I was reading out from it. I watched Dimitri's eyes lightened up as he smiled.

"I should have guessed." He said.

I shook my head. "But it's impossible, Dimitri. Miracles..."

"Yes. They do. And I believe it because I've seen lots of it happening ever since I met you. So I believe that this is a miracle as well." I stared at him, confused and stunned. 'He wasn't going to leave me.' Was repeatedly forming in my mind.

"Roza. Stop over thinking everything. We'll know everything once the child is born. If you're really concerned, we'll do a DNA test. But right now I'm going to assure you that this child is mine. We're going to have a real family." Dimitri said, still smiling at me. Slowly, I returned his smile shakily and threw my arms around him.

"I love you, Roza." Dimitri murmured into my hair.

"I love you too, Dimitri." I replied, smiling, feeling more tears run down my face while I tightened my embrace.

"Do you think I can hear him or her?" Dimitri suddenly asked, pulling me back. I stared at him, confused. Hear who? Dimitri laughed at whatever facial expression that crossed my face and shifted until he was in a kneeling position. I watched him leaned down, pressing his ear against my stomach. I giggled, isn't it too early to hear anything?

I patted Dimitri lightly and he looked up at me, eyes still shining. The sight of him like this made my heart soar.

"I think it's way too early to hear anything, Dimitri. I promise you'll be the first to hear anything if there is." I told him. He laughed and nodded. I stood up when did, and I leaned towards him, burying my head in his chest.

"I thought... I thought that you'll..."

"Leave you?" Dimitri finished. I nodded, swallowing the sob in me as I remembered my thoughts just now.

Dimitri sighed. "Roza, I'll never leave you. You're going to need more than this to get away from me." The sob that I swallowed rise in me once more at his words. I clung on tighter to him, afraid he would suddenly disappear.

"Do you prefer a girl or a boy?" Dimitri asked, his arms swiftly reached down, one to the back of my knees and the other to my back, carrying me up bridal style. He smiled down at me as he walked towards our bedroom.

"A girl." My answer was almost immediate. Dimitri's eyes rose in surprise, before a thoughtful look swept past his face and he grinned down at me.

"Why don't we hope for another miracle? That our baby is really a little girl." He said while laying me down on the bed.

I nodded but pause at a thought. "What about you? Do you prefer a girl or a boy?" I asked.

"A girl. Actually, I never thought about having kids ever since I became a guardian. I didn't think that any woman would be able to catch my eye." He grabbed my hands in his as he spoke. A wistful look was on his face.

"I started to have flashes of when you'd be pregnant with my child, but I pushed them away everytime. I knew you wanted a child too, I've noticed your look each time you see Lissa saying something about her baby moving or similiar. I sensed your longingness. I never spoke about it, I didn't want to upset you. Trust me, I froze, but I was genuinely estatic when you told me you're pregnant." I was shocked at his long speech. He didn't even doubt me once?

"I know what you're thinking. I love you, so I trust you. You won't do anything that you know would hurt me." I stayed silent. Dimitri is so understanding. I am so lucky that he loves me.

"I'm glad. Because I love you so much." I told him with a smile, snaking my arms around his neck and nuzzling it.

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