Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Dimitri spent the next three days with me. Technically, I was healed by the second day, but Lissa wants me to rest one more day to be safe. Well, I considered myself obedient as I really spent that resting day in bed for almost the whole day, with Dimitri by my side, of course. Not that I would like to mention what we were doing.

Dimitri left early in the morning to wherever Christian was. He was long gone when I woke up. I dressed in my guardian cloths, black slacks, white shirt and black blazer and left to find Lissa. She was at the throne room, working hard on something. She looked up and smiled when she saw me.

“Rose! How are you feeling?” I shrugged, then proceed to where she was patting on the chair beside her and sat down. Despite being a full fledge guardian, Lissa and I never acted like how a Moroi and a guardian should act. Besides, she has eleven other guardians standing around her, watching the surrounding. No point in me standing and watching the walls with them when Lissa needs me to stick by her side. I was on proper guardian mode though, if other Moroi were present. That was what Lissa had wanted me to do when I told her I couldn’t sit with her like last times. Being queen, nobody protests her ways. Even her other guardians were fine with her arrangements.

“What are you doing?” I asked, leaning forward to see what had her brows creasing so much. She sighed, then proceeds to tell me about some of the royal Moroi who were making trouble for her by digging up some ancient laws and trying to overrule her using them. I rolled my eyes. Those royals had nothing else better to do than to find some law so that they can make Lissa give us dhampirs living hell.

“Christian off to find some really old Moroi who were once in charge of the laws. Hopefully they’ll be able to help with all this chaos.” I gaped. Those Moroi laws were made long, long, time ago. How on earth is it possible that they were still alive? That was what I voiced out. Lissa looked amused.

“Come on, Rose! We’re vampires! Don’t you think that at least some were able to really live like those in the fiction stories?”

I swore if I was sitting I would have fallen over in shock. “You believe this… hey. Have you been reading Dracula or something?” I was certain a few guardians around us didn’t cough, but actually laughed. I caught the eye of one who looked towards the bottom of the pile on the table. Curious, I move towards it and fished out a hard cover bound book.

“You HAVE been reading Dracula! Liss, you don’t seriously tell me you believe what these story writers says. They don’t even know we exist! These are their imagination!” I exclaimed, shocked that she naively took these books seriously. Lissa rubbed her belly in resignation.

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