Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I'm due anytime now. We stay a few more days at Baia before leaving to go back to Court. Guardian or not, I always find myself back with Lissa. In the past few months, though Dimitri said nothing, I could tell he was taking precaution. Christian is always around Lissa, which makes Dimitri always around me. The Moroi were still finding trouble for Lissa, insisting their rules were the best. Instead of traveling around to find ancient Moroi, Christian stayed in Court instead ever since the news of my pregnancy. I secretly wondered if Dimitri had requested to halt this mission until I've pushed our daughter out of me.

We were halfway back to our apartment. Dimitri's shift had ended about fifteen minutes ago. We had been walking for the past ten minutes-my speed for doing anything physical had slowed down furiously. Not only my stomach had been in the way whenever I tried bending, the constant ache at my back and calves were wearing me out.

Dimitri had been the sweet and patient husband these past few months. Husband. Every night, without fail, he would massage my back and calves-yes, he traded all his shifts so that he would be with me during the nights. I am really grateful to the guardians, they had offered to trade when they heard about Dimitri's request.

These few days, I kept getting the contractions Lissa mentioned. After the first time, I learnt to grit my teeth and just bear with it when that false alarm alarmed the whole roomful of people. That is the reason why I am keeping quiet now.

I could tell my steps are getting slower and my strides are smaller. Suddenly, black spots started appearing in my vision. Shit. I have too much experience in this. I blinked rapidly, trying to clear them away. My breath shortened and I stopped in my tracks. I tried those breathing techniques Lissa and Dr. Olendzki had taught me. Damn, they aren't taking away any of the pain. This is ten-no, hundred, even thousand times worse than my mensual cramps. Why on earth did nobody warn me about it?!

It was then I realised that Dimitri had picked me up. Trying his hardest not to jerk me while I am in his arms, he sped towards our apartment.

Surprisingly, Dr Olendzki was already waiting outside, with another guardian by her side. Dimitri must have grabbed him and ask for his help. I felt a little guilty for not noticing it. Through all chaos, I found myself on a bed.

"Alright, Rose. I want to push, really hard, at your next contraction, okay?" Dr. Olendzki instructed, or rather, coaxed. Why she was coaxing, I have no idea. Her voice was absolutely calm and gentle. I did not bother with her tone right now, no matter how uncomfortable I am with it, I just want to push this little girl out of me, relieve this pain and sleep.

I pushed as hard as I could at the next contraction, but I was soon out of breath and panting heavily. That breathing technique taught to me was long forgotten. Dr. Olendzki seemed to noticed that.

"Breath, Rose. Remember the breathing techniques the queen and I taught you?" Trust her to remind me when it doesn't even work.

"I don't care! It doesn't work!" I gasped out inbetween breaths. A hand grabbed mine and squeezed it encouragingly. Dimitri. At least he was here beside me.

He leaned down and brushed my hair aside. "I love you, Roza. You can do this. I'll be here by your side." His whisper was a bad timing, it send shivers down me just as another contraction hit me.

"Push!" Now Dr. Olendzki was ordering. She should have been using this tone long ago. Somehow this tone was able to trigger my guardian's instinct and I gave an extraordinary strong push.

A scream of childish crying made me release a breath I didn't know I had been holding. Turning to my right I spotted the sun coming up, with specks of golden everywhere. It's dawn.

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