Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I froze, staring dumbly at her. I swore if it wasn't Dr. Olendzki who told me this, I would have punched whoever delivered this news. Then the whole news sunk in. It can't be. I had never... Only with Dimitri.

"It's impossible. I... I've only... Done it... I've only done it with Dimitri. And we can't... I mean he can't... I mean... It's... It's impossible for us..." I stuttered, trying to make sense of everything. Lissa was still seated beside me, shocked. Dr. Olendzki was still smiling.

"I know. I think everyone whom seen you two would know. That's why I'm puzzled as well, I did the tests twice to be sure. What I can conclude is that it is a miracle. A beautiful miracle blessed to the two most lethal guardians."

Suddenly Lissa started squealing. I jumped, startled and alert, watching for danger. None. The room still consist of Dr. Olendzki, Lissa and me. Lissa was laughing as she pulled me into a tight hug, her swollen belly rubbing against me.

"Your wish came true Rose! Alright, now. We'll take you off for your guardian duties for one year, and you can take care of your baby and you!" She laughed and turned to Dr. Olendzki. "Is a year enough? Will she be okay?"

Dr. Olendzki smiled and nodded. "A year is more than enough, your majesty. Actually most female guardians resum their guardian duties one month after giving birth."

I tuned out of their chatter after that. My mind was still in a whirl. A miracle? Or... But I haven't slept with anyone except Dimitri! The last Moroi that even got close to kissing me was Adrian! And Adrian... The second Moroi who came even close to me was Abe. Abe is my dad, he wouldn't and couldn't do anything.

A baby... I have a baby with Dimitri... Dimitri. How would he think after he got the news? Would he be mad at me? Would he leave? What if he doesn't believe me? I love him. I don't think I could stand that he would leave me once again. The time when he was Strigoi and the time when he was just turn back to dhampir was a long enough away time. He couldn't leave me again. He couldn't... He just couldn't...

"Rose? Rose!" Lissa was shaking me. I snapped my eyes back to her. She was staring at me, alarmed. Her hands swept past my cheeks and I caught the moisture on her hands. I looked around and saw that I was alone with Lissa. Dr. Olendzki must've left while I was in my own thoughts.

"Rose. What's wrong? Didn't you want a child? Why are you crying now?"

"Liss... I... What if Dimitri doesn't believe me?" I said, trying my best to stop myself from shaking.

"Rose... He will. He loves you." I look up at Lissa, unbelieving that she could accept this so easily.

"Even I can't believe it myself." I told Lissa, standing up. It was dark outside already, I guess I spent a lot of time in my own thoughts, or rather, the check up and testing took a long time. I glanced at the wall clock above. Eight fourty two. It was an hour past my shift. I would have stayed with Lissa, but I can't. I needed time alone.

"Sorry Liss, I..."

She nodded as if reading my thoughts. "I understand, go. Tomorrow, just come to me okay? I'll be here for you." She smile. Oh god, she's really an angel of sort. Beautiful and kind. I'm glad that she's my best friend.

I left the room and walked to my apartment. Everything was in a blur and I found myself sitting numbly on the living room couch at nine fifteen. Dimitri's shift is finishing soon at nine thirty. I'm sure Christian is already with Lissa, so it would take him less than ten minutes to walk back to our apartment with that long legs of his.

I had no idea how much time passed but eventually I tuned back in to my surroundings when I heard Dimitri calling me. His hands were placed on both my shoulders as he crouch down to be in the same eye level as me. His warm, brown eyes eyed me with concern while he spoke to me.

"...what happened? Lissa told me you have good news to tell me but I find you sitting here by yourself... Rose?"

I couldn't help the tear that leaked past my eye and I leaned forward, grabbing Dimitri into a tight embrace. He responded immediately, his arms going around to my back and rubbing circles.

"I'm pregnant."

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