Alrina Boldyreva

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S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters

January 23rd, 2010

A meeting at 6:00am was something Clinton Barton was never prepared for, even with his six years of experience. His partner however seemed to always be prepared, whether it be a 6am meeting or a twenty-four hour stakeout, Natasha Romanoff was always ready. This cold January morning though was something neither archer nor former assassin was properly ready for.

Entering the large meeting room with just three people seemed counterproductive to the archer, but he would never say that to the one-eyed man at the head. The partners chose two seats closer to the head of the table, both on opposite sides to subtly check in with each other through the meeting. Without turning around, the head man knew his company had arrived, but he chose to continue to look out the larger window that was beginning to show the sunset over the many trees. Natasha was used to the silence, even preferring it, while the ADHD archer opposite her was about to lose his sanity since he forgot to pick up his coffee that morning.

"Alrina Boldyreva."

The name made one of his company grind their teeth in irritation, while the other caught themselves freezing before blinking out of their stupor before being caught. It was then the duo noticed the pair of files in front of them and chose to open them. Seeing a ghost staring back at you was something Natasha Romanoff was not prepared for that cold morning.

"A HYDRA experiment gone right. Well," the one-eyed man finally turns to acknowledge the two in the room, "right for everyone else but them."

Clint starts flipping through the file, but the leader notices the former assassin not even bothering to skim the papers.

"Ms. Boldyreva is someone that will eventually become a thorn in not only my side, but the United States government if she is not contained."


The man looks between the partners, knowing that the two were the only ones he could trust with the idea he chose to believe in. He needed more people before he would begin the process of protecting the world how he thought was right. Opening his own file, he began reading over the information to the two agents.

"Alrina Boldyreva, born in Moscow, June 17th 1984 making her twenty-six years old."

"Moscow? So she's Russian, what brought her to America?," Clint closes the file he has been aimlessly flipping through to look at the man at the head of the table.

"From what my sources tell me, she's come chasing work and not the normal 9-5 desk jobs."

Throwing another open file onto the table, many photographs come spilling out. Some are silhouettes walking down the road, while others are buildings on fire or falling apart. The silent assassin finally moves, grabbing the photos to sift through while the two men continue breaking down the information.

The pictures of the silhouettes are almost indistinguishable, only shadows and the tail end of longer jackets before she cuts a corner to inevitably escape. Tossing those photos away, she focuses on the buildings taking away that they were always taken hours after the incidents. One however catches her eye, being of a familiar building that her and Clint walked past a few months ago.

"What was this one?"

Interrupting the two talking, they both finally pay attention to what the woman was doing. Fury takes the photograph, immediately knowing why this one caught her eye.

"San Francisco, last October," he hands the photograph to the archer, who takes one glance at it and throws it into the pile of others, "the same place I sent both of you to get a jump on our current issue."

"Sir, she disappeared in thin air, it's not like we just let her go."

"That is exactly why we're here, Barton. Take a closer look at the file."

Natasha grabs the file, skimming through the basic information she has known for most of her life with only a few discrepancies throughout.

5'8, Blonde hair, green eyes.

She knew Rina was going to be taller than her and her eyes were always slightly brighter than her own. Going from a brunette to a blonde was something that surprised her of the small bit of information, thinking the eccentric woman would have gone for something more bold when she got the option to.

Master of Hand to Hand combat and multiple Mixed Martial Arts. Expert of weapons ranging from handguns to knives. Fluent in Russian, English, French, German , Spanish and Latin. Professional Assassin and Spy. Experimented on by HYDRA at the age of 8 until escaping at the age of 24.

Natasha knew a few months out of the year Alrina would disappear, but she always assumed that it was for special missions, not HYDRA. It did explain the detachment for a week or so that she would see through Alrina every year around the same time, letting her recover from the experiments that she thought was just a rough mission.

Gained Self-Replication.

"Wait, what is that?," both Clint and Natasha look up to the head of the table, with Fury just waiting for the questions to start and expecting Clint to not understand a word of it.

"Self-Replication would be what got the both of you so confused in October. She can instantly and perfectly copy herself indefinitely, calling it Cloning would probably help you understand it a little better."

"She can clone herself?! How was it talking, I always thought a clone would just, ya know, be there. Not be a full fledged human.. Things."

"That's the difference with Ms. Boldyreva. While I believe she can't make multiples of herself, maybe more than four, they are like a Hive Mind. Each clone has its own thought processing, but they all communicate with each other flawlessly."

"Great, so our target not only can duplicate into more than one of themselves, but they can talk to each other?"

"She's new with this, but a little bit of advice going forward?"

Fury picks up his files, making sure each photograph is put away along with the two copies of Alrina's file for safe keeping. As he makes his way out of the room, he looks over his shoulder to the duo before they have a chance to move and begin their mission.

"Alrina Boldyreva may seem like she has all her ducks in a row, but the more she copies herself, the more screws seem to come loose."


Hey guys, sorry it took so long and its a little shorter than my last updates, but don't worry, I'm currently writing and back on schedule. I've been late for multiple reasons. First is was finals, then it was the Holidays (divorced parents and divorced grandparents make a lot of Christmases) and then it was the lovely start of the year VID. I start back up classes on Monday, so I thought I'd spend that time catching up with pre-chapters to get back on schedule. No more late chapters.

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