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It was the night of the celebration party, and Alrina would deny that she was freaking out. Multiple articles of clothing were tossed around her room, ranging from simple flannel shirts, a few dresses and even a suit jacket tossed in the corner on a chair. She would take the small panic she was experiencing to the grave, if Clint Barton didn't walk in as she threw yet another article of clothing from her closet onto her bed.

"Uh.. what are you up to, Rina?" The blonde pokes her head out of the closet, barely spending a second to see who wanted her attention before going back to her hunt for an outfit.

"Oh, ya know Barton, trying to discover Narnia." She walks out of the closet, throwing her hands up in frustration. "What the hell does it look like I'm doing?! I'm losing my mind!"

Clint just rolls his eyes at the woman, pushing her out of the way as he makes his way into her completely destroyed closet. Alrina sighs, sitting on the edge of the bed, giving up her hunt and actually trusting her friend to pull through for her. Clint throws a burgundy suit jacket and pants out of the closet, hitting her in the face with the article of clothes. She stands up to lay them out in front of her, nodding at the choice as Clint drops a pair of heels next to the display. Alrina sends a relieved smile towards the archer as he places his hands on both of her shoulders to get her attention.

"You could have picked something so casual it was like you were just running to do chores, Rina, and you know she would have still loved it. What is up with you?"

"I have no idea, Clint. How we grew up would be my excuse, but you know I never really listened to them anyway. Emotions are something I grew to understand on my own, but actually feeling these big ones scares the hell out of me." He pulls Alrina to sit next to him on the bed, making sure she doesn't try to escape from the serious conversation they just found themselves in.

"You know she is probably just as scared as you are, Rina, if not even more so. She's just really good at hiding it. You two just can't run from this, Rina, if anything you should be running towards it." Alrina looks down at her hands in her lap, playing with her fingers as she soaks in the archers opinion on her situation.

"Hey." She looks up as he stops his exit at the doorway, trying to return the smile he's sending her way. "If anybody deserves a little bit of happiness in their lives, it's you two. Just don't be an idiot about it."

Barton leaves before she has a chance to snap back at his comment, but a laugh follows him as he makes his way towards the party. She gets up to shut the door, leaning against the wood and staring at her outfit.

"Alright, Rina, you have one job tonight." She picks up the suit jacket and pants, going into her bathroom to get ready for a party that would hopefully have a happy ending for her and a certain redhead. "Just don't fuck it up..."


As Alrina makes her way down the stairs towards the party, she stops halfway down to decide where to go. Steve and Sam are too into their pool game to entertain her, Natasha making her way to the bar almost entices her, but she doesn't have the guts to approach her yet. The god and the billionaire seem to win, but when she approaches the two, Maria appears next to her.

"Hey, what about Jane? Where are the ladies, gentlemen?" Alrina ignores the slight nudge to her side as she's caught subtly checking out the redhead behind the bar.

"Well, Miss Potts has a company to run."

"Yes, I'm not even sure what country Jane is in. Her work on the convergence has made her the world's foremost astronomer." Alrina shares a look with Rhodey behind Maria, knowing this has just become a dick measuring contest.

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